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Preventing Disease

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Q: How would technology most likely be useful to the former Soviet Republic since the population is falling due to illness and fewer people having children?
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Which political leader gained power as a result of the failing economy of the Wiemar republic?

Adolf Hitler was the political leader who gained power as a result of the falling economy of the Wiemer republic.

Why did the Romans establish a rebuplic as their first government?

The Roman Republic was established in 509 BC. The Republic was not Rome's first government. The city's first form of government was the Monarchy. This was established by Romulus, the founder of Rome, in 753 BC and lasted until it was overthrown by the Republic. The Monarchy was ovethrown because the last king was a hated tyrant. The purpose of the Republic was not to have tyranny ever again by preventing power from falling into the hands of a single man. This was done by creating two annualy elected consuls as heads of the city.

In Julius Caesar who is The falling sickness?

The falling sickness was not a person. It was what Caesar experienced; he had epilepsy.

What is Difference between union of soviet socialist republics and republic of US?

The only similarity is the idea of a republic in which citizens vote to elect representatives that represent the people in government. The USSR was a communist state in which the economics are handled by the govermment, and there is no personal land owner ship. The US is unlike this, and has a mixed economy; the government only becomes involved in the economy when it needs to prevent it from totally falling out, and land ownership is in the hands of the individual citizens.

How did the black death influenced peoples thoughts?

When the world is dying around you and fires burn with bodies it may just convince you that the end of the world is near. It influenced art and children's stories. Ring around a rosy Pocket full of posey Ashes, ashes All fall down This is about the plague and what was happening London Bridges falling down London Bridges falling down All fall down Again, about the plague in a children's poem.

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The population of the former Soviet Republic is falling due to illness and fewer people having children. How would technology most likely be useful to the former Republic?

preventing disease

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Peter Hadley was initially portrayed as a responsible and concerned father, but his actions in "The Veldt" suggest that he is also neglectful, more interested in his technology than his children. Ultimately, he becomes a victim of that same technology, falling prey to the virtual reality nursery created by his children.

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i would say falling :-( go to

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the use of technology was falling low

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Russia's population is falling, due to low fertility rates and high death rates (especially among men). although there was a a 0.002% increase in 2010. people still predict a falling population in the future.

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Cancer mortality rates are falling because of advances in technology and more awareness. New procedures to diagnose cancer early have been developed and available to the general population.

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To preserve the Republic from falling into the hands of the communists.

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because you farted on their home :(

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the population is 84 and falling. by the way they have also closed the school.

In Chicken Little what does Chicken Little think is falling?

In the children's story Chicken Little, our hero thinks the sky is falling down.

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less population

Is the mortality rate for cosmetic surgery procedures falling?

The mortality rate for certain types of cosmetic surgery is falling. This happens as procedures gain new technology and become more refined.