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Q: How would other groups of people form to be the other part of Parliament?
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The Quakers would be well known for this, and also some other groups such as Amish people.

What was the justifications the Nazis used to exterminate Jews and other undesirable groups?

They would check the eyes of people to see if they fit as German people or,they would exemine how big the pesons head is then they would say if you were German or not.

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gay people and you guys who are watching right now

Which other people were condemned by the Nazis?

The Nazis condemned Jews and mentally disabled people. They would also condemn certain types of gypsy. There were many other groups persecuted by the Nazis, but they were not condemned.

Is the Europe union controlled by Great Britain?

No. The EU is a community with an international parliament and other organisations. Some people would say that Germany has the biggest influence.

How many groups would you split 35 people with no one left?

You would split 35 people into 7 groups with 5 people in each group. This is because 35 divided by 5 equals 7 with no remainder, ensuring that all 35 people are evenly distributed among the groups.

What conditions existed that created a division among different groups of people?

that would be democracy; under democracy people are allowed to from different groups.

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Primary social groups are the main groups to which people belong. A great example of a primary social group would be the family.

How does 5 times 5 equal 25?

Answer Say you have 5 groups of 5 people. You would then take those 5 groups and count the number of people up. Since there is five groups with 5 people in them you would count 5 five times. Which would equal 25. 5+5+5+5+5=25

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They would have kept together in close groups and watch each others backs to make sure that there were no people getting left behind.

Should Britain switch to the euro?

That is a matter for the British people and parliament. In the present financial climate it would be inadvisable.

Who predicted the world was to end in the year 2006?

There were many people and groups that believed the world would end in 2006 and every other year since Christ walked the Earth.