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they whipped them for punishments and enslaved them to do plantation work, work around the house, work. anything that white people didnt want to do they would enslave or buy a slave from a slaveowner or slave merchant to do for them. white people also are now called "crackers" for cracking the whip on the "blackies".

The above answer is incorrect. It is a common misconception that the slave master whipped the slaves while they were in the fields. The masters would promote the most competent slaves to the role of overseer, who would be in charge of keeping order on the plantation. The white plantation owner was far too rich or self-righteous to actually go out into the field and whip slaves. It was the higher ranking slaves that whipped the lower ranking slaves in order to receive better treatment from the plantation owner.

Hence the term makes no sense. It was fellow black slaves who whipped the slaves. It would defeat the purpose of having slaves do your work for you if you if you were just going to be in the fields all day whipping them. Most extremely liberal textbooks try to paint a picture of an evil white plantation owner and master whipping their slaves, though this is completely inaccurate.

And I am a liberal democrat, I am not trying to be racist or anything. This blatant misunderstanding is rather annoying.

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12y ago
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12y ago

In the 'Older days' The black people in America where treated as slaves. Nobody really liked them.

In Other places, aparthied was going on, and the black people got treated really badly, and couldn't do anything that white preople where involved in.

I Hope This helps, Although Its not VERY accurate

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Many slaves were black.

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