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Well laws where changed by the power of the King, and Parliament. Which had a Civil War with the Kings forces being defeated. So the kings powers were limited and the country turned into a constitutional monarchy.

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Q: How where the laws changed after the English Civil War?
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What happen after the English Civil War?

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I dunnah

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No English King was executed after the English Civil War. The execution of King Charles I occurred during the Civil War.

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No - the English had nothing to do with the American Civil War.

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Third English Civil War happened in 1649.

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Wars are usually named after the winner of that war. Due to the fact that the war is called the English Civil War the English won the war.

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A civil war is a war between factions in the samecountry.The English Civil war was a war between the royalists(supporters of the king) and parliamentarians(supporters of the parliament).

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