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they would irrigate,that means to bring water to dry places so because people

wanted to grow crops

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Q: How where the Mayas and the Aztec and Inca grow there food?
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Where did the Aztec grow there food at in the capital of Tenochtitlan?

they grew there food on floating gardens that went on the lakes

Why did the Mayas start farming?

The Mayas started farming to ensure a stable food supply to support their growing population. Farming also allowed them to settle in one place and develop complex societies and cultures.

What did Mayas grow?

Maya's grow cofee beans ,squash, and beans

What are Inca terrace farming and Aztec floating gardens examples of?

Inca terrace farming and Aztec floating gardens are examples of innovative agricultural techniques used by ancient civilizations to grow crops in challenging landscapes. Inca terrace farming involved building stepped agricultural plots on mountainous terrain to maximize arable land, while Aztec floating gardens utilized a system of rafts made of reeds and soil floating on lakes to cultivate crops like maize and beans.

How did the Aztec Empire grow and become more powerful?

how did aztec empire grow and become powerful

What are examples of Inca Terrance farming and Aztec floating gardens?

Inca terrace farming involved creating step-like platforms on mountain slopes to grow crops like potatoes, quinoa, and maize. Aztec floating gardens, known as chinampas, were artificial islands in lake areas like Lake Texcoco, used to cultivate crops like corn, beans, and chilies through a sophisticated irrigation system.

How did the Aztec society grow?


Did the Aztec grow corn?


What crops did Inca farmers grow?


What are some things the Inca had in their empire that you still have today in your world?

They have terraces to grow food on, some richer people who own land have terraces, too.

What do farmers in the Inca empire do to grow food?

Farmers planted crops that grew in different climates because of the wide variety of temperatures in the Andean valleys

Did the Mayas grow cabbbage?

Yes, the Mayans did grow cabbage along with various other crops such as corn, beans, squash, and fruits. Cabbage was an important vegetable in their diet and agriculture.