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Q: How were women treated during the 1980?
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How were women treated in 1980-1990?


How were women treated during the puritan era?

They were treated as subordiante or second-class citizens.

How were women treated in the work place during the 1930s?

Women's wages were lowered. They worked crappy hours.

How were women treated during the Pericles reign?

they couldn't vote were treated like slaves and would have some one that rules them

How were women in America treated in 1930s America?

During the 1930s in America, women were treated as if they were valueless. Women were nothing in the eyes of men, and there was no equality between men and women. Women were second-class citizens. They were expected to stay home and raise their children and nothing more.

How are the women treated?

women were treated fairly by their families in France.

Can you get treated for chlamydia during pregnancy?

Yes. There are treatment options for pregnant women that are safe and effective.

How were women treated during the civil war?

With decency and control. Not much rights as they have now though

How were Celtic women treated?

women had rights and were generally treated with respect.

What rights did women earn during Justinians reign?

they got more freedom and they were treated better by the men

How were women treated during the 1930s?

Women were treated with well during that time period, did not have as many rights as they do now, such as right to vote. but it is still true that women were put under men, to serve under them. and it is also true that women have a better sence of hearing so they can hear men yell "woman, make me a samich". samich of course meaning sandwhich.

What is prenatal clinic?

A prenatal clinic is a medical facility, where pregnant women are seen, monitored and treated during their pregnancy.