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Napoleon did not believe in equality for women, so they recieved none of the rights in the Napoleonic code.

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Q: How were women regarded under Code Napoleon?
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Napoleon unified western Europe under one code of laws, the Napoleonic code.

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The rights that Napoleon guarantees are the limited freedom of speech. During that time women have no rights but Napoleon gave them a good economy.

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is the French civil code, established under napoleon in 1804.

The organization of french laws under napoleon was called the?

It's the Napoleonic Code.

The organization of French laws under Bonaparte was called?

Code Napoleon

Napoleon's civil code treated women?

Women's rights did not truly regress under Napoleon. In fact, they improved slightly. For example, women were given more property rights under the Napoleonic code, and divorce was legalized. However, in marriages, husbands still had mostly all the power. Like if a husband committed adultery it was not even grounds for divorce unless he brought the mistress home, but if a wife committed adultery, she could be sent to jail for three months.

Did Napoleon create the Napoleon Law Code?

Yes, Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte created the Napoleon law code, known to most as the Napoleon code.

The body of French law oragnaized under Napoleon was the Napoleonic?

It was the Napoleonic Code.

How were people treated under Napoleon's Code of Laws?

People were treated nicely with cakes

The organization of french laws under napoleon was called?

Napoleonic Code was the term for the laws established under Napoleon. It set rules for freedom of religion, and hiring policies based on qualifications.