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They were buried in the sand in a crouching position then sand and a pile of rocks would be used to cover them. they had no posesions put in with them as they did not own any thing valuable worth putting in.

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Q: How were the poor people buried in Egypt?
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Related questions

What was buried with the poor people in Egypt?

nothing was buried with them only their beautiful soul.

How was the body preserved for the poor in Egypt?

they were buried under sand in shallow graves. the sand helped to preserve the bodies.

What were rich people in Egypt buried in?

in eygepts burial grounds

How many people was burid in one hole at the Egyptian times when they were poor?

The amount of people that were buried in one hole at the Egyptian times when they were poor is not stated. It is stated that the rich people in the Egyptian times were buried in burial chambers.

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What should do when one unearths buried treasure?

Distribute it in poor people

What did the egyptians do when they buried people?

People continued to be buried according to their customs after Rome took over Egypt. The Romans were generally cremated while the Egyptians were interred.

Is Egypt a poor or a rich country?

yes Egypt is a poor country

In ancient egyptwere people poor buried and mummified in the same place as people who were rich?


What did the poor people drink in Egypt?

Water from the river Nile.

What are some things that got buried in ancient Egypt?

some dead people and basketballs

How is called the place where dead people are buried in Egypt?

tomb of the dead