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Q: How were the peasants affected by the policy of dechristianization?
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In its attemps to create a new order that reflected its belief in reason the national convention?

The National Convention pursued a policy of dechristianization, going so far as to adopt a new calendar.

How did the hundred year affected the lives of the peasants?

The hundred years of war made the lives of the peasants more miserable and destabilized them further.

How how the Hundred Years War affected the lives of the peasants?

The hundred years of war made the lives of the peasants more miserable and destabilized them further.

How the Hundred Years' War affected the lives of the peasants.?

The hundred years of war made the lives of the peasants more miserable and destabilized them further.

Who developed a policy that forced peasants to put their land and animals into state-owned collective farms?

Joseph Stalin developed a policy that forced the peasants to put their land and animals into state owned collective.

What was peasants in medieval times effect on society?

Peasants affected medieval society by producing and cooking most of the food that was required for society. They were also given jobs that included farming, the removal of waste, and cleaning.

How did the peasants win french revolution?

They didn't. The revolution was made by the urban middle class, supported by the urban poor. Such benefits as came from the revolution went to the middle class. Peasants in the countryside were hardly affected at all.

What four groups that got affected in 1812?

With the French invasion of Russia many groups were affected; as well as the French nad the Russians there was the Prussians and the Austrians. Because of the 'scortched earth' tactics employed by the Russians the peasants were greatly affected.

How were lords affected by the Peasants Revolt?

they felt so bad they decided to be fair and respectful. i hope i helped good luck my chum!

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It led to an increase in Democracy:)

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The policy brought the native americans into mainstream Self-determination

Who were most affected by increases in the price of food in France?

laborers and peasants.. the third estate , the rest of the population .. everything besides nobility and clergy.