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John Locke

 A 17th-century British political philosopher who wrote extensively about legitimate government, toleration, and human understanding, among other topics. john Locke argued that all human beings have been born with some God-given rights. Because these rights are given by God, a legitimate government cannot take them away from individuals. The most important of these rights, Locke argued, are those of life, liberty, and property. Should a government use force to try to take these rights away, individuals have a legitimate right to rebel against the government and resist its aggression. Locke also argued that a legitimate government is one that has the consent of the majority of the people, and because not all people can directly participate in politics at all times, in such government power ultimately resides with people's representatives in the legislative body. At the heart of Locke's political theory stands the concept of social contract, which suggests that individuals have made a deal with the government. Based on this deal, the government secures people's life, liberty, and property. In return, citizens provide the government with taxes, and obey the laws. People's obligations toward government end, when the government fails to fulfill its obligations.

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Because they both were going for the same goals like rights and "(stuff)"

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Q: How were the ideas in the mayflower compact similar to john Locke and later idea of a social contract?
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How is the mayflower an example of a social contract?

The group that rode the Mayflower to Plymouth Colony signed an agreement that they would live under laws that they made. This made it a social contract. It was a contract among the parties living there. While New York was founded by the Dutch 10 years earlier, the people there lived under rules made by an organization in Holland. Some made sense and some did not apply in the particular situation. The people did not have the same relationship with each other.

What connection can you draw between the Mayflower Compact and the American Revolution?

The House of Burgesses was the first assembly of representatives. It handled stuff like taxes and laws. The governor still had to approve all laws so that royalty wouldn't lose all the power. The Mayflower Compact was the first democratic document in the New World. It set up a "civil body politic" and pledged the good of the whole over the individual. Rosseau called it a "social contract" where a group of people give up certain rights so that other rights can be protected. The Mayflower Compact and the House of Burgesses set the stage for American democracy. The house of Burgesses limited royal authority and increased citizen participation in the colonial government. The experimental democracy became the living example of how to create a democratic givernment for the United States. It seems that it became a model for other English colonies to follow. Such as the Southern Colonies and those would be Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.

What was Rousseau's social contract?

The social contract basically says that the government should say out of of the people business.

King george broke the social contract?

King George broke the social contract with the colonists by neither respecting nor protecting their rights. John Locke, the philosopher, was influential in developing the concept of a social contract.

What is a sentence with social contract?

ok the answer is the school is a oscial contract because it contract to other kids

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The Mayflower Compact was an example of?

The Mayflower Compact was an example of a social contract.

What principle did the Mayflower Compact introduce?

The compat introduced the principle of the Social Contract.

What was the first written constitution in America?

The Mayflower Compact was NOT a constitution. It was a social agreement. The answer is the Articles of Confederation.

In what ways was the Mayflower Compact a genuine step toward self-government?

The manuscript is actually a social contract, which binds the signers to adherence for the sake of the survival of the colony.

Was the Mayflower Compact the first written constitution in America?

Some would say so, but it was a social contract that did not lay out any actual laws, like the US Constitution does.

What aspect of the Mayflower compact led to it's influence on the writers of the US?

It was a social compact between settlers

What aspect of the Mayflower compact led to influence on the writers of the US constitution?

It was a social compact between settlers

What aspect of the Mayflower Compact led to its influence on the writers of the US Constitution?

It was a social compact between settlers

What aspect of the Mayflower Compact led to its influence on the writers of the United states Constitution?

It was a social compact between settlers.

How is the mayflower an example of a social contract?

The group that rode the Mayflower to Plymouth Colony signed an agreement that they would live under laws that they made. This made it a social contract. It was a contract among the parties living there. While New York was founded by the Dutch 10 years earlier, the people there lived under rules made by an organization in Holland. Some made sense and some did not apply in the particular situation. The people did not have the same relationship with each other.

What is a synonym for social contract?

Agreement, covenant, compact.

Why is it likely that the colonists would obey the rules set out in the mayflower compact?

The colonists were likely to obey the rules set out in the Mayflower Compact because they voluntarily agreed to abide by them for the common good and to establish a sense of order and governance in their new settlement. Additionally, the compact was seen as a necessary social contract to prevent chaos and promote cooperation among the colonists. The shared values and commitments outlined in the compact helped foster a sense of community and mutual responsibility among the settlers.