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The goal of uniting all of South America went unfulfilled during and after the South American revolutions.

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Nat Olson

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Q: How were the goals of the south American revolutions from their results?
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How were the goals of south American revolutions different their results?

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It is time for you read your textbook. Make a Venn diagram to help you compare.

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The American and French Revolutions inspired Simon Bolivar to work for South American independence.

What was Simon Bolivar's goal during the movement?

Simon Bolivar was a revolutionary leader in South America's quest for independence from colonial powers. He was an admirer of the American Revolution, although he did not believe that American style democracy would function in South America. He was staunchly opposed to slavery.

Compare and contrast the leadership of south American revolutions to the Mexico's revolution?

Both were looking to break free of the old way. The economy's were changing while politically they were stuck in the past. The revolutions were to get people out from under the old way of rule.

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the South...APUSH huh?

Who were the leading figures of the south American revolutions and what did they accomplish?

Jose De San Martin and Bernardo O'Higgins. They accomplished defeating the Spanish by forcing out the Spanish and organized an army.

The Monroe Doctrine was proclaimed in response to revolutions in?

south america

Who led the revolutions in South America during the colonial period?

Simon Bolivar