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In the Jeffersonian democracy presidential candidates would be chosen by caucuses that were held by political leaders. In a Jacksonian democracy the candidates would be chosen by conventions.

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Q: How were the candidates in the 1800 chosen for president?
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From 1800 to 1824 presidential candidates were chosen by?

in the earl 18000s, candidates for the presidency were chosen by

How are the presidential candidates chosen 1800 to 1824?

Congressional Caucus.

How were candidates for president chosen for Jacksonian?

Candidates were chosen in a Jeffersonian Democracy out of the white, adult, male local elites, who payed property taxes and own enough land. They were randomly chosen.

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Candidates for President were chosen by the Congressional Causcus before 1830. The President was the one that received the most votes and the Vice President was the runner up.

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The 1800 election had the same candidates as in 1796, but this time Thomas Jefferson defeated tjhe incumbent President, John Adams.

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There were two Presidents chosen in the House, Jefferson in 1801 and JQ Adams in 1825.

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Justices of the Supreme Court are nominated by the President and confirmed by Congress. The criteria by which a President chooses the candidates would include legal expertise, and political compatibility with the President's own policies.

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Why did the house of Representatives decide the election of 1800-?

The electorate at that time could vote for both the president and vice president separately, and the vote did not distinguish whether it was for president or vice president. Both Jefferson and Burr got a majority of votes, so the house had to vote to decide who was president and who was vice president.