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By retaining local government and having Persian provincial governors to maintain control and internal and external security, and to collect modest taxes to pay for it.

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Q: How were the Persians able to keep and control such a large area?
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What did Romans like the Persians do once they conquered an area?

They established a provincial governor - a proconsul - to control the area; the Persians divided their empire into 20 provinces (satrapies) controlled by a Persian governor (satrap). The Romans similarly appointed a governor (procunsul) of each of their new territories to similarly rule, collect taxes, and handle internal and external security.

How was Germany able to take over large area in such a short amount of time?

Because the Germans were brilliant military planners.

What did Diocletian do to attempt to restore order in the Roman Empire?

Recognising that the Empire was too large and troublesome for one ruler to control, he introduced two Emperors and tho Caesars, each with their own area of responsibility and control.

Why the Battle of Vicksburg was fought?

The battle of Vicksburg was fought over the Mississippi river. The river was a large area for trade.

What caused the Persian and greek conflict in asia minor?

There were a couple of hundred Greek city-states located in the area. Persia was attempting to maintain peace and prosperity within its borders, while the object of each of the cities was to maintain its own independence and welfare. The cities were restive under this regime. The Persians appointed Greek tyrants to keep their cities under control. The tyrant of Miletus brought the tensions to a head in 499 BCE when, suspecting the Persians were going to get rid of him, he organised an uprising of Greek cities in Asia Minor to save his own hide. The Ionian revolt began, and the Persians put it down.

Related questions

How where the Persians able to control such a large area?

They established 20 provinces each with a Persian governor responsible to the king. They also left the local governments in control of their cities/tribes/principalities under supervision of the governors.

What is the danger of conquering such a vast expanse of area in such a short period of time?

Not being able to govern/control the area that you have conquered and thus, losing control over it

What did Romans like the Persians do once they conquered an area?

They established a provincial governor - a proconsul - to control the area; the Persians divided their empire into 20 provinces (satrapies) controlled by a Persian governor (satrap). The Romans similarly appointed a governor (procunsul) of each of their new territories to similarly rule, collect taxes, and handle internal and external security.

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their large area of land

What area where the Greeks and Persians fighting over?

The Aegean Sea littoral.

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In large part it would depend on the area you're in. If people, on average, have a large area of land you should be able to get a good gain from it. In smaller area, the lifting needed will generally be small as well.

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A phenomenon that causes great damage to a lot of people or a large area over which man has little or no control.

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it will not be able to take in enough nutrients or get rid of wastes

How was Germany able to take over large area in such a short amount of time?

Because the Germans were brilliant military planners.

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Medusa did not control any area. She is not a goddess. If she was, she would control something.

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A large area of water is an ocean.