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Assimilated Jews were barely tolerated.

Orthodox Jews were were ridiculed despised and hated.

Ordinary, working class Jews were needed, tolerated and held in a state of limbo.

Germany's Nuremberg laws made them all equal.

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17y ago
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16y ago

for lack of a beeter term, they were treated like dirt. to find out more, i HIGHLY recommend you reading "The Diary of Anne Frank" or watch the video. i must warn you, it is very heart-breaking, sad, and depressing.

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12y ago

6 Million Jews were killed by the Germans from 1930s to 1945. The USA only allowed a few hundred Jewish refugees into the country. Most nations had a closed door policy about the Jews, many nations of them knew about the "Final Solution", and most did nothing directly to stop it.

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14y ago

In Germany the Jews were declared to be legally second class citizens. Soon their business were boycotted, looted and vandalized. Next, people quit associating with them and many Jews lost their jobs and their businesses. Some Jews who had the money managed to flee the country and move to other nations.

In the late 30s they were hauled off to concentration camps. Some fled and hid away for years. Some went to the forest and lived there. Some received help from underground resistance groups and managed to escape the Nazis. But, in reality most were either put into ghettos or concentration camps. They died from starvation, disease and exposure to the climate. Most were murdered by the Nazi via shootings, gassing, and working them do death in labor camps.

The Jews were found in the concentration camps at the end of the war or just before the end of the war by the Allied Forces. Most of the Jews were at death's door once they were found. Some of them had been marched out of the concentration camps and marched until they died. Few survived.

The sick ones had to be treated if they could survive. The starvation diet had to be introduced to them. Under half a million Jews survived the Nazi atrocities and oppression.

Once they were well enough they were sent to an Allied internment camp to be rehabilitated, given clothing and family members were searched for by all of them. Most never found any living relatives.

They were immigrated to Israel, the United Kingdom and some other European nations. The bulk of them, 250,000 went to the United States.

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13y ago

Jews were treaded badly

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