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undersea volcanoes, Japan lies near the Ring of Fire

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Q: How were the Japanese Islands formed?
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The island of Japan were formed by what?

The Japanese islands were mostly formed by volcanoes erupting over centuries. The volcanoes were caused by a lithospheric slab which helped in making Japan's curved (arc) shape.

What are islands between Taiwan and Japanese islands?

The Ryukyu Islands.

Are the Japanese islands volcanic islands?


How was the cayman islands formed?

the Cayman Islands were formed from an eruption of an underwater volcano.

What is the southern most of the four Japanese islands?

Of the four main Japanese islands, Kyuushuu is the southern most.

What was the goal of America's campaign against the Japanese in the Pacific?

The goal of the United States was to defeat the Japanese. This meant the removal of the Japanese from many islands in the Pacific Ocean, the destruction of the Japanese Navy, and the surrender of Japan.

How are some islands in the ocean formed?

The Hawaiian Islands were formed and are still being formed right now by volcanic activity.

What Japanese islands are located east of Taiwan?

Ryukyu islands

How were Hawaiian islands were formed?

Volcanoes formed the Hawaiian Islands over millions and millions of years.

Are the hawaiian islands formed at a subduction boundary?

No, the Hawaiian Islands are not formed at a subduction boundary. They are formed by a hotspot in the Earth's mantle, where magma rises to the surface and creates volcanic islands as the tectonic plate moves over the hotspot.

What islands was formed from volcanoes?

They are volcanos that formed around japan

Which of the Japanese islands is the most industrialized?

which japanese island is most industrialized