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Q: How were the Hellenistic monarchies alike and how did they differ from the hellenic poleis?
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What is the plural form of the Greek word polis?

The plural form of the Greek word polis is poleis.

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What did the Argos flag mean to the poleis?

it means they should a lot of respect for the god

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The cast of Oi dromoi pernane mesa apo tis poleis - 1989 includes: Taxiarhis Hanos Panos Narlis

What is the greek word for city state?

One city-state is a polis. Poleis is plural.

Where did Greeks live?

The ancient Greeks lived in cities (poleis) along the coasts of the Mediterranean and Black Seas.

What was the reason of the trojan war?

While the underlying cause was probably economical interests and territorial expansion (through colonization of the Aegean coast of Anatolia), the "trigger" so to speak was the abduction of Helena, wife of the Spartan king Menelaos, by Paris, a prince of Troy. menelaos asked his brother Agamemnons help to get her back. Agamemnon had all the Hellenic poleis bound to him by oath, so he invoked this oath to demand their help to invade Troy and retrieve Helena.

What parallel can be drawn between the poleis of ancient Greece and the city states of ancient mesopotamia?

They were ruled by one powerful individual

How were the polis in Athens?

Athens was a polis. It didn't contain other poleis (plural of polis), though in the Delic-Attic League they did dominate many others.

What did a greek city state?

The Greek word polis (plural poleis) meant a city-state, but more specifically the group of people who formed a single political entity.

What did the winnners of the olympic games get as a reward?

Some Olympic victors was crowned with an olive wreath and his name inscribed in the official Olympic records. Some Olympic victors were fed for their whole life by their poleis although never paid.

The greek dark age was a period of?

The Greek dark age was a period of Greek history that lasted from the Dorian invasion in 1100 BC to the first signs of the Greek poleis which occurred in the 9th century BC. There was a lack of architectural structures built during this time.