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Q: How were the Christians persecuted under roman rule why were they treated this way?
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Which Roman Empire launched one of the persecutions of Christians?

The Roman Emperor Nero is known for launching one of the first and most severe persecutions of Christians in the Roman Empire. In the aftermath of the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD, Nero blamed and persecuted Christians, accusing them of starting the fire. This resulted in widespread arrests, tortures, and killings of Christians in Rome.

When did the persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire end?

You're thinking of Constantine the Great. However he did not end the persecutions because there were no persecutions going on at the time. All he did was legitimize the religion and this was for political purposes.

In whose reign was the Christian Church not persecuted?

We know that Christians were persecuted by Decius, then during the reign of Valerian, and finally the Great Persecution at the end of Diocletian's reign. There was localised persecution under the emperor Maximinus Thrax. It is unclear whether any persecution took place under Domitian, but Edward Gibbon says that if it did it was of short duration. Most famously, Nero was said to have persecuted the Christians, but scholars say that this seems to have been limited to the city of Rome, and that Christians were not pursued and persecuted for their religion, but as scapegoats for the Great Fire of Rome. In the reigns of all other pagan emperors, Christianity was not officially persecuted and some emperors were quite liberal in their attitudes towards Christianity.

Why did Roman leaders stop tolerating Christians?

The Roman Government began persecuting Christians under Emperor Nero. Nero began to execute large numbers of Christians following the Great Fire of Rome. According to the Roman historian Tacitus, the population searched for a scapegoat and rumors held Nero responsible. To deflect blame, Nero targeted Christians.

The followers of this religion were persecuted as members of a cult under Roman rule?

There were several "religions" that were considered cults by the Romans over their long history. Among them were Christianity, the cult of Isis and the cult of Bacchus or Dionysus.

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Under which Roman emperors were Christians persecuted?

It seems likely that Decius (249-251) was the first Roman emperor to officially persecute Christians.AnswerYou could loosely say it was Nero, although he did not persecute them for their faith, but for the crime of arson. Some authorities say there was a persecution under the emperor Domitian, other doubt this. The major persecutions came under the emperors Decius, Valerian and Diocletian.

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It's not, but I suppose your teacher wants "because they were a persecuted religion under Roman rule"

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Yes, the Book of Revelation was written during a time of Christian persecution under the Roman Empire. Christians were being persecuted and killed for their faith during that period. The author of Revelation, believed to be John the Apostle, wrote to provide encouragement and hope to the persecuted Christians.

Why did the Romans persecute the Jews more the Christians?

It is not clear that the Romans persecuted Jews more than Christians. Under some emperors, Christians were heavily persecuted, under others, Jews. During the great Jewish revolts that started in the years 68 and 132, Roman persecution of the Jews was intense. The emperor Hadrian, who put down the second revolt, probably killed half a million Jews in the process. Nero, on the other hand, seems to have really disliked Christians.

Where did the legend of St Valentine originate?

St Valentine was an early Christian saint. It is said that he was imprisoned for performing weddings for soldiers who were forbidden to marry. He also helped Christians who were persecuted under the Roman Empire.

Which Roman Empire launched one of the persecutions of Christians?

The Roman Emperor Nero is known for launching one of the first and most severe persecutions of Christians in the Roman Empire. In the aftermath of the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD, Nero blamed and persecuted Christians, accusing them of starting the fire. This resulted in widespread arrests, tortures, and killings of Christians in Rome.

When did the persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire end?

You're thinking of Constantine the Great. However he did not end the persecutions because there were no persecutions going on at the time. All he did was legitimize the religion and this was for political purposes.

Why did Saint Nicholas go to prision?

He and all Christians were persecuted by the Romans under Emperor Diocletian simply because they were Christians and would not pay homage to the pagan gods of Rome.

In whose reign was the Christian Church not persecuted?

We know that Christians were persecuted by Decius, then during the reign of Valerian, and finally the Great Persecution at the end of Diocletian's reign. There was localised persecution under the emperor Maximinus Thrax. It is unclear whether any persecution took place under Domitian, but Edward Gibbon says that if it did it was of short duration. Most famously, Nero was said to have persecuted the Christians, but scholars say that this seems to have been limited to the city of Rome, and that Christians were not pursued and persecuted for their religion, but as scapegoats for the Great Fire of Rome. In the reigns of all other pagan emperors, Christianity was not officially persecuted and some emperors were quite liberal in their attitudes towards Christianity.

What government was Paul under when he wrote the letter to the Romans?

It is generally accepted that Paul was in Corinth when he wrote the letter to the Roman Christians. Corinth was then part of the Roman Empire so it was under Roman rule.

What was the first persecutions of christians?

The first persecution of the Christians was actually under the emperor Domitian. Now, it is claimed by some that Nero was the emperor who first persecuted the Christians, but Nero prosecuted them rather than persecuted them. In Nero's time they were charged with the crime of arson which was a capitol offence in ancient Rome. According to the ancient writers they had trials and were found guilty, rounded up and executed. When most of the Christian ringleaders had been arrested, the prosecution stopped an the remaining Christians were able to return to the practice of their religion.The first persecution of the Christians was actually under the emperor Domitian. Now, it is claimed by some that Nero was the emperor who first persecuted the Christians, but Nero prosecuted them rather than persecuted them. In Nero's time they were charged with the crime of arson which was a capitol offence in ancient Rome. According to the ancient writers they had trials and were found guilty, rounded up and executed. When most of the Christian ringleaders had been arrested, the prosecution stopped an the remaining Christians were able to return to the practice of their religion.The first persecution of the Christians was actually under the emperor Domitian. Now, it is claimed by some that Nero was the emperor who first persecuted the Christians, but Nero prosecuted them rather than persecuted them. In Nero's time they were charged with the crime of arson which was a capitol offence in ancient Rome. According to the ancient writers they had trials and were found guilty, rounded up and executed. When most of the Christian ringleaders had been arrested, the prosecution stopped an the remaining Christians were able to return to the practice of their religion.The first persecution of the Christians was actually under the emperor Domitian. Now, it is claimed by some that Nero was the emperor who first persecuted the Christians, but Nero prosecuted them rather than persecuted them. In Nero's time they were charged with the crime of arson which was a capitol offence in ancient Rome. According to the ancient writers they had trials and were found guilty, rounded up and executed. When most of the Christian ringleaders had been arrested, the prosecution stopped an the remaining Christians were able to return to the practice of their religion.The first persecution of the Christians was actually under the emperor Domitian. Now, it is claimed by some that Nero was the emperor who first persecuted the Christians, but Nero prosecuted them rather than persecuted them. In Nero's time they were charged with the crime of arson which was a capitol offence in ancient Rome. According to the ancient writers they had trials and were found guilty, rounded up and executed. When most of the Christian ringleaders had been arrested, the prosecution stopped an the remaining Christians were able to return to the practice of their religion.The first persecution of the Christians was actually under the emperor Domitian. Now, it is claimed by some that Nero was the emperor who first persecuted the Christians, but Nero prosecuted them rather than persecuted them. In Nero's time they were charged with the crime of arson which was a capitol offence in ancient Rome. According to the ancient writers they had trials and were found guilty, rounded up and executed. When most of the Christian ringleaders had been arrested, the prosecution stopped an the remaining Christians were able to return to the practice of their religion.The first persecution of the Christians was actually under the emperor Domitian. Now, it is claimed by some that Nero was the emperor who first persecuted the Christians, but Nero prosecuted them rather than persecuted them. In Nero's time they were charged with the crime of arson which was a capitol offence in ancient Rome. According to the ancient writers they had trials and were found guilty, rounded up and executed. When most of the Christian ringleaders had been arrested, the prosecution stopped an the remaining Christians were able to return to the practice of their religion.The first persecution of the Christians was actually under the emperor Domitian. Now, it is claimed by some that Nero was the emperor who first persecuted the Christians, but Nero prosecuted them rather than persecuted them. In Nero's time they were charged with the crime of arson which was a capitol offence in ancient Rome. According to the ancient writers they had trials and were found guilty, rounded up and executed. When most of the Christian ringleaders had been arrested, the prosecution stopped an the remaining Christians were able to return to the practice of their religion.The first persecution of the Christians was actually under the emperor Domitian. Now, it is claimed by some that Nero was the emperor who first persecuted the Christians, but Nero prosecuted them rather than persecuted them. In Nero's time they were charged with the crime of arson which was a capitol offence in ancient Rome. According to the ancient writers they had trials and were found guilty, rounded up and executed. When most of the Christian ringleaders had been arrested, the prosecution stopped an the remaining Christians were able to return to the practice of their religion.

Why did Roman leaders stop tolerating Christians?

The Roman Government began persecuting Christians under Emperor Nero. Nero began to execute large numbers of Christians following the Great Fire of Rome. According to the Roman historian Tacitus, the population searched for a scapegoat and rumors held Nero responsible. To deflect blame, Nero targeted Christians.