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Answer 1

They were treated with tolerance. Islam believes in peaceful co-existace with all humans belonging to any religion as long as they don't create trouble for the Muslims.

Answer 2

It depended on the size of the religion (in terms of how many adherents it had). Smaller religions, especially polytheist and henotheist Arabian religions were forcibly repressed and made to convert to Islam. Mohammed himself smashed most of their idols when he retook the Ka'aba in 630 C.E. With larger religions like Zoroastrianism and Hinduism, Muslims realized early on that they could not effectively bully these religions into non-existence, so they passed a number of repressive edicts, taxes, and lifestyle requirements in order to make Zoroastrian or Hindu life odious enough to incentivize conversion. It was reasonably, but not completely effective. It would take later repression (under the Safavids and Qajjars) to effectively extinguish Zoroastrianism. And Hinduism survived in India due to sheer numbers.

Of course, you now have revisionism (such as in Answer 1) which seeks to claim that early Muslims were pleasant angels to everyone they conquered.

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Q: How were religions other than Judaism and Christianity treated by early Muslims?
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