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Q: How were people freed from the camps?
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Related questions

How many people were freed during the liberation?

Over 100,000 people were freed from POW camps, concentration camps, and hiding places after World War 2.

What caused the concentration camps to be liberated?

allied forces arrived at the camps and freed the prisoners

What year did Germanies allies set the people in the concentration camps free?

Germany's allies, known as the axis, did not free the prisoners in camps. The allied armies freed the prisoners.

When did the Holocaust concentration camps get taken over by the allies?

The allies freed the camps in July 1944

Who freed the Nazi Concentration Camps?

The Allies; the British, Americans, and Soviets.

How long were prisoners forced to workin concentration camps?

Until they died or freed.

Which death camps were freed by the US In World War 2?

The best known are Buchenwald, Dachau, Mauthausen. (These were all concentatration camps rather than death camps in the more exact sense).

What year were like holocaust survivors freed?

Majdanek was liberated in 1944, the other camps in 1945.

When was the concentration camps liberated freed?

u tell me stupid ideot find it ur self

What countries freed concentration camps in the Holocaust?

they 'liberated' the concentration camps, rather than 'freed' them, as they were generally un-guarded. otherwise the answer would be: the allies, ie; Canada, Britain, Soviet Union, United States, France, Holland, Poland and many others.

If the Nazi's won World War 2?

im pretty positive they lost considering their leader killed himself and tht Americans and other countries freed people from the camps

What did Allied troops discover when they freed Europe from Hitler's rule?

Nazi concentration camps ~ see link below .