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White or black. (there was brown too, for those between white and brown, so that the Indians can get accommodated. As you may guess, whites were at the top, the brown ppl at the middle, and black ppl at the bottom. This explains why blacks in South Africa tend to hate Indians b/c they received better treatment (comparatively) than the blacks. For some reason, they still seem to adore whites( this bit is my opinion).

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Q: How were people classified under apartheid?
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What happened to the black people during the apartheid?

Under apartheid, people from the Indian sub-continent were classed as 'coloureds' and had a status between that of whites and blacks.

Who suffered most under the policy of apartheid in south Africa?

people with no money

What are the four categories of race during the apartheid?

Under apartheid the government divided people into four categories by race : "European ,African, Asian,& Colored

What were the beliefs upon which apartheid is based?

1. The system of Apartheid was based on the belief or idea that people belong to different races, and they need to live and develop separately from one another. The Apartheid system saw those who were classified as white superior and 'civilised', it promoted and protected their interests.

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The Afrikaners were the people who had moved to Africa. they were the white people who had started the Apartheid.

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The Nationalist party under Hendrick Vervoed implimented the policy of "Apartheid"

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migration and pleasure !?!?

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IT people come under 'Exempt' Category.

What was the Best thing about apartheid?

There is NOTHING good about apartheid. It is discrimination, racist, and people don't have civil rights.

What type of society emerged in South Africa under apartheid?
