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because most religious ceremonies were linked to farming

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Q: How were farming and religion closely linked among Native American peoples like the pueblos?
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Why do you think the religion of most native American peoples related to nature?

They related to nature because it was the only thing that was around them at that time.

What Roman religion did Christianity replace throughout the Roman empire?

Christianity did not replace a religion, it filled a void in the religious lives of the people. The Romans or any of the ancient peoples with the exception of the Jews, had no set religion as we know it. They were pantheists and worshiped an array of gods with each god/goddess having its own rites and rituals. Christianity closely followed many of the "pagan' rites/festivals thereby easing out the old ceremonies and replacing them with its own.Christianity did not replace a religion, it filled a void in the religious lives of the people. The Romans or any of the ancient peoples with the exception of the Jews, had no set religion as we know it. They were pantheists and worshiped an array of gods with each god/goddess having its own rites and rituals. Christianity closely followed many of the "pagan' rites/festivals thereby easing out the old ceremonies and replacing them with its own.Christianity did not replace a religion, it filled a void in the religious lives of the people. The Romans or any of the ancient peoples with the exception of the Jews, had no set religion as we know it. They were pantheists and worshiped an array of gods with each god/goddess having its own rites and rituals. Christianity closely followed many of the "pagan' rites/festivals thereby easing out the old ceremonies and replacing them with its own.Christianity did not replace a religion, it filled a void in the religious lives of the people. The Romans or any of the ancient peoples with the exception of the Jews, had no set religion as we know it. They were pantheists and worshiped an array of gods with each god/goddess having its own rites and rituals. Christianity closely followed many of the "pagan' rites/festivals thereby easing out the old ceremonies and replacing them with its own.Christianity did not replace a religion, it filled a void in the religious lives of the people. The Romans or any of the ancient peoples with the exception of the Jews, had no set religion as we know it. They were pantheists and worshiped an array of gods with each god/goddess having its own rites and rituals. Christianity closely followed many of the "pagan' rites/festivals thereby easing out the old ceremonies and replacing them with its own.Christianity did not replace a religion, it filled a void in the religious lives of the people. The Romans or any of the ancient peoples with the exception of the Jews, had no set religion as we know it. They were pantheists and worshiped an array of gods with each god/goddess having its own rites and rituals. Christianity closely followed many of the "pagan' rites/festivals thereby easing out the old ceremonies and replacing them with its own.Christianity did not replace a religion, it filled a void in the religious lives of the people. The Romans or any of the ancient peoples with the exception of the Jews, had no set religion as we know it. They were pantheists and worshiped an array of gods with each god/goddess having its own rites and rituals. Christianity closely followed many of the "pagan' rites/festivals thereby easing out the old ceremonies and replacing them with its own.Christianity did not replace a religion, it filled a void in the religious lives of the people. The Romans or any of the ancient peoples with the exception of the Jews, had no set religion as we know it. They were pantheists and worshiped an array of gods with each god/goddess having its own rites and rituals. Christianity closely followed many of the "pagan' rites/festivals thereby easing out the old ceremonies and replacing them with its own.Christianity did not replace a religion, it filled a void in the religious lives of the people. The Romans or any of the ancient peoples with the exception of the Jews, had no set religion as we know it. They were pantheists and worshiped an array of gods with each god/goddess having its own rites and rituals. Christianity closely followed many of the "pagan' rites/festivals thereby easing out the old ceremonies and replacing them with its own.

What were 4 examples of economic opportunities that influenced peoples' desire to move west?

Logging, farming,the gold rush,and freedom for slaves

What American Indian Natives inhabited in New hanpshire?

The area that became New Hampshire was originally occupied by the Western Abenaki and the closely related Pennacook (Pawtucket) peoples. These were divided into smaller groups with names like Squakheag, Pigwacket,Cowasuck, Missisquoi, Sokokis and Schaghtocokes.

Who had a great influence on the roman monothestic religion?

Romans religion was not monotheistic. Like the religions of most ancient peoples, it was polytheistic. Early Roman religion was a variant of Latin religion with a degree of influence by the nearby Sabines and Etruscans and the Greeks of southern Italy.

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What are differences between American and Islamic people?

The question is what can be called "mixing apples with oranges". The reason the question is poorly structured is that it asks the differences between a nation, the USA, and a religion, Islam. The USA has Islamic peoples, and Islamic peoples in Indonesia, the Middle East & Malaysia all have differences. There is no single "American religion" and there are no "Islamic" peoples that live in nations where Islam predominates that have the same cultures. In fact, in some European nations Islam is the predominate religion. Therefore there can be be no answer to this question.

Why do you think the religion of most native American peoples related to nature?

They related to nature because it was the only thing that was around them at that time.

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The religion of the Uygur peoples is Muslim.

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What part does religion play in the culture of a people?

Religion affects peoples ethics and actions.

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80 %

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What Roman religion did Christianity replace throughout the Roman empire?

Christianity did not replace a religion, it filled a void in the religious lives of the people. The Romans or any of the ancient peoples with the exception of the Jews, had no set religion as we know it. They were pantheists and worshiped an array of gods with each god/goddess having its own rites and rituals. Christianity closely followed many of the "pagan' rites/festivals thereby easing out the old ceremonies and replacing them with its own.Christianity did not replace a religion, it filled a void in the religious lives of the people. The Romans or any of the ancient peoples with the exception of the Jews, had no set religion as we know it. They were pantheists and worshiped an array of gods with each god/goddess having its own rites and rituals. Christianity closely followed many of the "pagan' rites/festivals thereby easing out the old ceremonies and replacing them with its own.Christianity did not replace a religion, it filled a void in the religious lives of the people. The Romans or any of the ancient peoples with the exception of the Jews, had no set religion as we know it. They were pantheists and worshiped an array of gods with each god/goddess having its own rites and rituals. Christianity closely followed many of the "pagan' rites/festivals thereby easing out the old ceremonies and replacing them with its own.Christianity did not replace a religion, it filled a void in the religious lives of the people. The Romans or any of the ancient peoples with the exception of the Jews, had no set religion as we know it. They were pantheists and worshiped an array of gods with each god/goddess having its own rites and rituals. Christianity closely followed many of the "pagan' rites/festivals thereby easing out the old ceremonies and replacing them with its own.Christianity did not replace a religion, it filled a void in the religious lives of the people. The Romans or any of the ancient peoples with the exception of the Jews, had no set religion as we know it. They were pantheists and worshiped an array of gods with each god/goddess having its own rites and rituals. Christianity closely followed many of the "pagan' rites/festivals thereby easing out the old ceremonies and replacing them with its own.Christianity did not replace a religion, it filled a void in the religious lives of the people. The Romans or any of the ancient peoples with the exception of the Jews, had no set religion as we know it. They were pantheists and worshiped an array of gods with each god/goddess having its own rites and rituals. Christianity closely followed many of the "pagan' rites/festivals thereby easing out the old ceremonies and replacing them with its own.Christianity did not replace a religion, it filled a void in the religious lives of the people. The Romans or any of the ancient peoples with the exception of the Jews, had no set religion as we know it. They were pantheists and worshiped an array of gods with each god/goddess having its own rites and rituals. Christianity closely followed many of the "pagan' rites/festivals thereby easing out the old ceremonies and replacing them with its own.Christianity did not replace a religion, it filled a void in the religious lives of the people. The Romans or any of the ancient peoples with the exception of the Jews, had no set religion as we know it. They were pantheists and worshiped an array of gods with each god/goddess having its own rites and rituals. Christianity closely followed many of the "pagan' rites/festivals thereby easing out the old ceremonies and replacing them with its own.Christianity did not replace a religion, it filled a void in the religious lives of the people. The Romans or any of the ancient peoples with the exception of the Jews, had no set religion as we know it. They were pantheists and worshiped an array of gods with each god/goddess having its own rites and rituals. Christianity closely followed many of the "pagan' rites/festivals thereby easing out the old ceremonies and replacing them with its own.

Near the end of what period did some Native American peoples begin farming?

Near the end of the Archiac period, some groups began farming. (p. 3) The American Journey: a history of the United States / David Goldfield...[et al.]. - Portfolio ed. p. cm. "Combined Volume" ISBN 0-13-192100-2 (paperback)

Which branch of government was specifically created to closely represent the peoples views?

house of representatives

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they can run up to 50 miters long and can destroy peoples house and farming