Canteens were used during WW II pretty much the same way they are still used, to carry water.
During World War 2, penicillin was first mass-produced and saved millions of lives.
No, rockets were not commonly used in World War 1. The main forms of artillery used during the war were cannons, mortars, and grenades.
Yes, grenades were used.
Yes. During The American Civil War and the Crimean War.
Yes, trenches were used as a strategic defense tactic during World War II.
It's where you go to buy civil war snacks and sodapops.
During 1943, the U.S. procured canteens made of ordinary steel with a tin (or zinc) plating. This attempt to save more valuable aluminum and stainless steel had only temporary benefits and was stopped by the end of 1943.
The French used the franc during World War II.
Dynamite was used in World War 1, but stopped using it during World War 2
The words tummy and belly were used during the world war 2 era.
Dynamite was used in World War 1, but stopped using it during World War 2
They were mostly used for the transportation of Jews to and from concentration camps during the Holocaust, which was during World War 2.
They ran canteens and sold war bonds and made visits to the troops. That's about it.
"During World War II, one factory produced enough canteens to equip an entire division." "Scout leaders always equip their troops with flashlights for emergency use."
During World War 2, it is reported that over 2,000 variants of Japanese Submarines were used during World War 2. Out of this, it is estimated that 10,000s were likely to be used during WW2.
Bombs were invented during WWI, But they were not used until WWII.