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Q: How were Utah and New Mexico to decide if they entered the union as a free or slave state?
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The Compromise of 1850 allowed people in to decide whether they wanted slavery.?

People in Utah and New Mexico got to vote to decide if they wanted to be a slave or free state.

The compromise of 1850 allowed people in blank to decide whether they wanted slavery?

People in Utah and New Mexico got to vote to decide if they wanted to be a slave or free state.

Was mexico a slave state?

No Mexico was never part of the Union, Texas which gained independence from Mexico was a slave state and got annexed in the US together with a free state to create equality in congress.

Did Oregon enter the Union as a free state or a slave state?

Oregon entered as a Free State.

Was New Mexico a slave state in?


Which state entered the Union at the same time as Missouri?

None, Maine was the only state to join the union in 1820.

Which of the following was not part of the Compromise of 1850?

Missouri entered as a slave state. Slavery was abolished in Washington, D.C. The abolition of slavery in the district of Columbia

What was the plan to ban slavery in territories gained from New Mexico?

In the Compromise of 1850, the Mexican Cession territory (excluding California) was to become New Mexico and Utah. Their slave situations were to be determined using popular sovereignty, or the power of the votes of the people to decide if it would be a slave state or not. In addition, the Compromise of 1850 also gave the disputed territory between Texas, a slave state, and New Mexico to New Mexico. This invalidated the previous compromise, the Missouri Compromise, which banned slavery in North of 36 in newly gained territory.

Which state entered the union as a slave state?

West Virginia, though there was very little slavery there.

In 1820 Missouri was admitted as a slave state and Maine was admitted as what?

Maine entered as a free state.

Result of Missouri Compromise?

Missouri entered the union as a slave state, Maine entered the union as a free state, it was compromised that there would be no more slave states above the 36th parallel(Missouri was to be the only exception)

Did New Mexico enter the Union as a slave state?

No. They did not become states until decades after slavery ended in the US Civil War. However.. When statehood was first proposed for the New Mexico Territory in 1850, slavery would have been prohibited there. In 1860, Northern Republicans were anxious to avoid Southern secession, and offered to admit New Mexico as a slave state. But it was too little, too late. New Mexico did not finally become a state until 1912, and was the 47th US state.