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Usually, they were first forced to live in Jewish-only appartment houses (in Germany, for example) and subjected to all kinds of petty restrictions, such as not being allowed out of doors between 9pm and 7am, not being allowed to use public transport, to own pets or radios ..... The list was very long. In Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, parts of Belarus and parts of Ukraine they were forced to live in ghettos (Jewish districts) which were surrounded by high walls and guarded. The Nazis appointed Jewish Councils and later these councils had to give the Nazis list of people to be taken away 'for resettlement'. They were then seized by the SS and transported by rail to the extermination camps.

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some camps were close enough to walk to, others would have to be reached by lorry, or by train.

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Q: How were Jews removed and taken to concentration camps?
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Hitler had the Jews taken to various Nazi concentration camps. One of the most well known camps was Auschwitz-Birkenau, where over a million Jews were put to death.

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