There are also of course cultural differences, language, traditions
Germany did not invade Britain in WW2. Britain has not been invaded for a thousand years.
Okay. You need to get your facts straight. Britain never invaded Belgium. Germany invaded Belgium to take over France. Germany never actually declared war on Britain. The closest thing it did was begin the London Blitz.
France and Britain declared war on Germany.
Germany invaded Belgium that was neutral
Japanese, Germany, Russia Switzerland.
Answer this question… Great Britain, a NATO country, had a democratic government. East Germany, a member of the Warsaw Pact, had a communist government.
Great Britain and France declared war on Germany in 1939, because germany had invaded land that Great britain had to protect for france.
Great Britain and France declared war on Germany in 1939, because germany had invaded land that Great britain had to protect for france.
Great Britain and France declared war on Germany in 1939, because germany had invaded land that Great britain had to protect for france.
Great Britain and the United States were allies to defeat Germany so the US would not attack Great Britain.
No, Great Britain is not located in Germany. G.B. is an island that is North of the European continent.
August 4 1914, after Germany did not withdraw from Belgium, Great Britain declared war on Germany.
Great Britain and France have unitary governments; Germany has a federal government.
Great Britain is not in Germany. It is geographically west of Germany, though they do not share a border, being hundreds of miles from each other.
They are different two countries. However, they are the same as two European countries.
Great Britain, France, Portugal, Germany,Holland, Belgium, Italy, and Spain were all involved to different degrees in Africa.
Why did Great Britain declare war on Germany? Great Britain declared war on Germany because German tanks forced their way across the Polish border on august 4th 1914