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Italian unification was supported by France (in part) and Great Britain, but was adversed for the want of German unification. After German unification, all states were left in existence, keeping some sovereignity, but accept the king of Prussia as emperor under the kingdom of Prussia. After Italian unification, it was a single nation that promoted the kingdom of Sardinia. - Lexie
Both occured around 1861 and were both caused by nationalism.

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There were several contrasting differences between the two countries, as well as several similarities such as being unified under one leader/state.

Both countries were unified under one dominant state: Germany under Prussia and Austria under the state of Piedmont. Something that was key in both States was the fact that there was a North/South divide of some kind. In Prussia, the south was Catholic and the North profusely protestant. Even though there was a N/S divide in Italy, the reasons were no as clear cut as simply religious. As the dominant politician of the dominant state (Piedmont) in Italy, Cavour thought the south were "part of Africa".

Although there is much debate as to whether Bismarck actually unified Germany or whether it was simply a combination of other factros, such as the strength of Prussia's army or economy, it is clear that he certainly played a large part in unification. The same can be said for Cavour; he was the driving force behind Italy's unity.

The economy is almost certainly something that can be compared when talking about unification. Both Prussia and Piedmont experienced huge economic growth, the clearest example of this being railways. This gave both powers a huge advantage over any oposition as they could now transport troops quickly from place to place. However, it seems that German unification was more down to economic strength and ability, Prussia benefited greatly from the Zollverein which was perhaps the foundation stone of Prussian might. This is partly one reason why I say that Prussia was unified economically and not under Bismarck; the Zollverein predated Bismarck and so obviously was not none of his orchestrated schemes. Not only this is, but it helped Bismarck bring the many fractured German states together. Contrasting to this Italy did not really experience much economic push towards unification, instead Cavour used modernisation as a means of joining the people together and there was certainly no customs union comparable to the Zollverein in Italy. More over, Cavour only implemented the economic reforms to make Piedmont the leading Italian state. In a sense this did actually help Italy, but only indirectly; it gave them an advantage over Austria and France.

Austria and France were both key players in the unity of both Italy and Germany. Without the demise of Austria, both countries would have suffered at the hands of the Austrian army. This leads to contrast between I. and P; P won over Au due to militaristic might devrived from the economy. Without money there would have been no chance to develop the breech loading rifle which enabled the Prussians to shoot five times quicker than Au. I. unified thanks to dimplomacy; I. allied with Pr against Au as well as Britain and France. As well as this they allied internally, at the time of Cavours death only Venetia and Rome remained outside the Kingdom of Italy.

Both Piedmont and Pr had common enemies; Pr had France and Pied had Au. Without this there would have been hardly any nationalistic spirit awakened in the people of both countries.

In conclusion one can see that there are obvious areas of similarity such as the unification under one leader and. However, as well as this there are difference. Piedmont did not experience a large war with either Au or France as Prussia did. Also, Prussian economic development was on a far grander scale than Italian; Prussian railways doubled over a period of 10 years!

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13y ago

How was the Italian unification is difference from German unification?

Italian Unification

Italian royalty nominates Camillo di Cavour prime minister of Italian state Piedmont; he allies with France an dprovokes Austria to attack; Austria loses Piedmont, and gives France control over Nice and Savoy

Other Italian states overthrow their governments and join Cavour

Giuseppe Garibaldi raises army to overthrow Bourbons in Sicily and naples; wins and turns land over to Piedmont

Prussia and Austria fight Austro-Prussian War and Venetia is given to Italians

French withdrew from Rome and Italians annex Rome

German Unification

Prussian known for militarism

Prime Minister Otto von Bismark; collected taxes, strengthened army, governed without Parliament-1862-1866; he defeats Austria and Denmark

Prussia dominates northern Germany; Prussia and French go to war in 1870 called Franco-Prussian War

Southern German states help Prussia; Prussia wins and France has to give up provinces of Alsace and Lorraine

Southern German states agree to enter Bismark's Prussia/North German confederation

German state-very powerful

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