

How wealthy was king Harold?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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Q: How wealthy was king Harold?
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Who was king after king Harold 2?

he was crowned king of englandWilliam from Normandy was king after Harold

Was Harold hadraada king of Normandy?

yes king Harold hadraada was king of normandy

Where is King Harold school?

king Harold school is in waltham abbey

What was the surname of the king before the Battle of Hastings?

The English King was Harold Godwinson

Which king was killed in 1066 of the Battle of Hastings?

Harold Godwinson was the king of England during the battle of haistings.

Who derved to win the Battle of Hastings?

In my opinion I think that Harold of Wessex deserved to win because during the first two years King William suffered many revolts throughout England, so many people wanted Harold of Wessex to be king. If Harold of Wessex won the battle of Hastings I think that he would have looked after his people as he is wealthy. hope that answers your question

Who became king after Harold haadrada?

Harold Haadrada did not become King of England. (CORRECTION!) He was killed by the legitimate King of England, Harold Godwinson (Harold I), at Stamford Bridge. King Harold then had to march South to face William of Normandy, and was killed at Hastings. William then became King, and his successors have been on the throne ever since.

Was Harold Godwineson the king of England?

Harold Godwineson was king then William the conquer defeated him and became king of England!

Who killed king Harold godwinson?

Harald Hadrada was killed by Harold Godwinson (also known as Harold II) When an arrow pierced through his throat.

Is Harold godwinson king Harold II?


Why did Harold hadrada want to be englands king?

Because England was powerful then and Harold Godwinsons (King Of England) brother told Harold Hardrada he would make a good king .

How was Harold Godwineson crowned King?

Harold was crowned king because he was a brave respected leader