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They both instilled a sense of nationalism or national pride afterwards.

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Q: How was the war of 1812 and Vietnam alike?
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How is the Vietnam war similar to the war of 1812?

No relation.

What is the similarities of the Vietnam war and the war of 1812?

do you mean the first Vietnam war or the second? well asuming you mean the second, in both wars one side had a very modern and big army and the other did not. ( in the war of 1812 the American army was very incompetent in the start)

What were two wars that the US fought in without a formal declaration of war?

i beleive it was the war of 1812. and the vietnam war.

How are the Korean war and the Vietnam war alike?

Both fought against communist aggression.

Have the British ever won a war?

Shortly after the Americans were kicked out of Vietnam, the British won the Falklands War.

Where did the American forces surrender?

Bunker Hill, War of Independence. Bladensburg, War of 1812. Bataan, World War 2. Khe Sanh, Vietnam War. Saigon, Vietnam War. Somalia, Somalian Insurgency. There are more but they are the most famous ones.

How are the Trojan War and the Vietnam War alike?

The only thing in common is that both were wars that took over ten years. The Vietnam war is a war that occurred in the 1950's until 1971, this war was between the South Vietnam and the Americans who were on the same team, and the Vietcong who was the North Vietnam that teamed up with Communist China. There were no gods making champions fight in Vietnam.

What are the names of all the wars ever?

Here's a start: Revolutionary War French Indian War Spanish American War War of 1812 World War I World War II Korean Conflict Vietnam Falkland Islands Desert Shield Desert Storm

What wars have the us soldiers fought in?

Revolutionary War, The War of 1812, The Mexican War, the Civil War, World war 1, world war 2, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

What are the following wars in chronological order from oldest to most recent in American history world war 1 Vietnam civil revolutionary world war 2 war of 1812 Korean desssert storm?

1) Revolutionary War 2) War of 1812 3) Civil War 4) World War 1 5) World War 2 6) Korean 7) Vietnam 8) Gulf War (often referred to as Desert Storm, but it was not)

What was the last American war against the british?

the war of 1812

Wars in US history?

American Revolution War of 1812 Mexican American War Civil War Spanish American War WWI WWII Korean War Vietnam War Gulf War War on Terrorism