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The Proclamation only freed slaves in territory then in rebellion. Slavery remained legal in territory recaptured from the Confederacy prior to the Proclamation, and in states that never left the Union, such as Maryland and Kentucky.

The 13th Amendment applies to all the US, thus eliminating the impact of court decisions such as the Dread Scott Decision. In addition to abolishing slavery in the entire country it explicitly conferred citizenship rights on all former slaves, something the Proclamation did not address.

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The Proclamation was not a law. It was effectively a statement of intent, subject to the Union eventually winning the war. When the Confederacy collapsed and the states were reunited, Congress was able to pass the 13th Amendment, which made slavery illegal throughout the USA.

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Q: How was the thirteenth Amendment different from the Emancipation Proclamation?
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How was the thirteenth amendment different from the emancipation proclimation?


How did the thirteenth amendment different from emancipation proclamation?

The Emancipation Proclamation was a speech given by Lincoln to inform the public that the Civil War and slavery would end soon. It gave those who opposed slavery hope and it gave the war a purpose again. The 13th amendment constitutionally eradicated all forms of slavery in the United States.

In the North what were the different objections to the Emancipation Proclamation?


Why was the 13 amendment was written?

The 13th Amendment freed all of the slaves in the US. The Emancipation Proclamation had only freed the slaves in the Confederacy, and that didn't really do anything, since the Confederacy wouldn't listen to the Union's proclamations.

What would have happened if Abraham Lincoln did'nt write the Emancipation Proclamation?

Nothing different, the emancipation proclamation was a international relations thing. He was trying to show that he still had power over the south

What original documents did Abraham Lincoln sign?

The Emancipation Proclamation which freed African slaves- the Emancipatioon Proclamation stated that any land ( the south) that was not part of the Union had to free its slaves. Obviously the south did not listen to the President of a different country. Abraham Lincoln made the Emancipation Proclamation to get the North on his side. it did not free any slaves.the emancipation proclamaton

Why did northern democrats oppose the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment?

Northern democrats opposed the thirteenth amendment for a variety of reasons. But mainly because of their different interpretation of the constitution. Many of them did not believe that " All man were created equal" should be taken literally.

When did slavery end in the U.S.?

Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation on September 22, 1862, and a second order on January 1, 1863, indicating its application to the Confederate states. However, slavery continued to have legal status in the US until the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment on December 18, 1865.

What was a major legislation during Abraham Lincolns presidency?

Emancipation Proclamation was historically, immensely significant; without it, our country would be completely different.

Emancipation prociamation what did the do?

The Emancipation Proclamation was an executive order issued by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863 during the American Civil War. It declared that all enslaved people in Confederate-held territory were to be set free. It was a significant step towards ending slavery in the United States.

What slaves were set free?

In the United States, slaves were freed in 1863. This occurred when President Abraham Lincoln issued what is known as the Emancipation Proclamation.

What did the Second Confiscation Act have to do with the emancipation proclamation?

The Second Confiscation Act and the Proclamation Act stated the same thing but were introduced at different times. These acts stated that if a slave owner chose to join in the rebellion that any slaves that were in their possession were to be declared free forever.