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Q: How was the reign of terror different than the era of napoleon?
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What was Maximillian Robespierre a part of?

Robespierre was an activist for the libertarians. He died through his own creation. He went too far with his revolutionary ideas. He killed thousands of people, sending them to the guillotine, just because they still believed in the monarchial system Maximilien Robespierre wanted to get rid of so desperately. He killed everybody that thought differently than him. He was the creator of the reign of terror and was eventually sent to the guillotine himself in 1794 after the French turned against him when their eyes opened and say what he had done. He didn't even have a trial, and was beheaded faced upwards.

How did the Reign of terror contribute to the French Revolution?

The Reign of Terror (27 June 1793 - 27 July 1794), also known as the The Terror (French: la Terreur) was a period of violence that occurred for one year and two months after the onset of the French Revolution, incited by conflict between rival political factions, the Girondins and the Jacobins, and marked by mass executions of "enemies of the revolution." The French Revolution ironically was a failed revolution to the towering figure of Robespierre and his Reign of Terror as the revolution spun out control and began to murder itself. First the royalists were beheaded, next the moderate girondists, and by then the violence and suspicion was totally out of hand as the revolution devoured itself. In my opinion, after they started beheading the moderate Girondists it was only a matter of time before everyone else went to the guillotine. 26 years after the "Declaration of the Rights of Man" was written up, a Bourbon once more sat on the throne as the King of France - that is what I mean by "failed" Revolution. Since 1793, France has had no less than 11 subsequent constitutions (while the United States still uses their first). This is what I mean about moderation and political stability. It is the legacy of those revolutions so different in style, substance, and in legacy.

Was Napoleon Bonaparte's empire larger than the Romans?

yes,it was

Who was the leader of the US during The Louisiana Purchase?

In the early 1800s, the ruler of France at the time of the Louisiana Purchase was Napoleon. Deeply embroiled in war in Europe at the time, Napoleon was in more need of money than of troublesome and distant colonial land of dubious value.

Who conquered more land than Alexander the Great Napoleon and Hitler combined?

Queen Victoria....

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Why was the Reign of terror given this name?

The Reign of terror, also known as "The Terror", is an event of violence that happened during the French revolution. Many have died during this period using the Guillotine. The name Reign of terror is used rather than using the name of the person ruling at that time and it signifies that terror or revenge was the one in control at that said period.

Who died in the Reign of Terror and why?

No less than 30,000 because they were charged as traitors to the French Revolution.

A biograph of Joseph Stalin?

Joseph Stalin ruled the Soviet Union for more than two decades 1878â??1953. He instituted a reign of terror while modernizing Russia and helping to defeat Nazism.

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Roman Catholic AnswerNone, the Catholic Church did more than any other institution to save people during Hitler's reign of terror in Europe.

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Size is not an attribute of 'terror'. It is not a comparative verb, the worst that can be said is 'most terrible'.

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Napoleon was opposed by the Seventh Coalition which had a force that was 50% larger than his.

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Satan says "To reign is worth ambition, though in Hell: Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven".

18000 revolutionists were executed during the period known as the?

During the French Revolution more than 18,000 revolutionists were executed. Some of have said that nearly 40,000 revolutionists were actually executed.

How good was Napoleon at war?

Better than you

What are the different views and plans if Snowball and Napoleon from Animal Farm?

Well, Napoleon is obviously more interested in dictatorship than Snowball. Plus, Napoleon makes all kinds of changes to the original commandments of all animals. Snowball eventually plans to build a windmill but Napoleon urinates on his blueprints. Then, Snowball is ran out of the farm by Napoleon's dogs that he stole from Blue Bell and Jessie. Napoleon is soon the dictator of Animal Farm and blames everything on Snowball. Squealer is Napoleons first mate who explains everything that Napoleon does is right when it's really only benefiting the pigs.

What was Maximillian Robespierre a part of?

Robespierre was an activist for the libertarians. He died through his own creation. He went too far with his revolutionary ideas. He killed thousands of people, sending them to the guillotine, just because they still believed in the monarchial system Maximilien Robespierre wanted to get rid of so desperately. He killed everybody that thought differently than him. He was the creator of the reign of terror and was eventually sent to the guillotine himself in 1794 after the French turned against him when their eyes opened and say what he had done. He didn't even have a trial, and was beheaded faced upwards.

The metric system of measurement was developed in France during Napoleon's reign It is based on what multiplication factor?

The metric system of measurement is based on a multiplication factor of 10. This means that each unit within the system is either 10 times smaller or larger than the unit above or below it. This system makes conversions between different units easy and consistent.