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Q: How was the economy of Britain and its overseas territories during World War 2?
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What country lost lost its possessions in Latin America in the 1800s?

Both Spain and Portugal lost their overseas territories in the Americas during the 1800's.

The acquisition of an American overseas empire during the late 1890's created legal controversies concerning the what?

The acquisition of an American overseas empire during the late 1890s created legal controversies concerning the extension of constitutional rights and protections to people in newly acquired territories, such as Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. There were debates over whether these territories were entitled to the same rights and privileges as those in the continental United States.

Why during the mid 1800s great Britain strongly desired overseas expansion?

America had more raw materials than Britian

What strategy was used by Great Britain to put Germany's economy to a standstill during World War 1?

Great Britain used bombs

What constitutional and legal controversies arose as a result of American overseas expansion and empire during the late 1890's?

Constitutional rights of inhabitants of the new American Territories.

What disadvantages did Great Britain have in the Revolutionary war?

Great Britain did not have as many people in the colonies during the Revolutionary War, they did not have control over the people. This was because they were overseas, and had to travel by boat to send more infantry.

Why were Britain and France not one of the superpowers?

During World War II, France was reduced to a group of resistance fighters, fighting their Nazi occupiers in their own homes. Great Britain's economy and landscape had been devastated from the Battle of Britain. The tax rate in Great Britain at the time was around 97%, meaning the entirety of its economy was dedicated to the war.

What tribes were in control of Britain during Beowulf?

During the time of Beowulf, Britain was inhabited by various Celtic tribes such as the Britons, the Picts, and the Gaels. These tribes had their own distinct cultures and territories across what is now modern-day England, Scotland, and Wales. Beowulf is set in Scandinavia rather than Britain.

What strategy used by Great Britain brought Germany's economy to a standstill during World War 1?

naval blockade

Why was overseas trade risky?

during Egypt

What country was a colony of Great Britain in 19th century?

Most of the current Commonwealth states were colonies, dominions, protectorates, mandates, territories, dependencies, etc. of Great Britain during the 19th century. Notable examples include India, Australia, and Canada.

Countries under british rule?

During the times of the Imperialism, Great Britain managed to subject many great and resourceful countries under his rule. As of 2002, many of those countries have managed to declare their independence from the British yoke, however, there are still a few that remain part of the Britain as overseas territories, among them are the Falkland Island, and the Island of Pitcairn; thereâ??s also Tristan de Cuhna in the South Atlantic.