Terrrible! They could not have chosen a worse area. It was swampy and the conditions were no where near ideal. In addtion, these men were the second sons of "gentlemen", they never worked a day in their lives!! They expected everything to be just handed to them.
who received free land in Jamestown
Today, Jamestown is located on an island in the James River.
Jamestown was chosen because of the climate was similar to Britain.
Jamestown is in Virginia. It was founded in 1607. Massachusetts was settled by the Pilgrims, who did not come until later. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamestown,_Virginia
rocky, hilly and cold
who received free land in Jamestown
Hot and humide.
Jamestown was settled on a marsh land.
Today, Jamestown is located on an island in the James River.
the climate made it harder for the people crops to grow. it was sooo hot in Jamestown and there is not much rain so the crops didnt grow as well
because the powhatans took land from the jamestown.. i think
Jamestown had the perfect climate and soil to grow tobacco, a extremely profitable crop.
Jamestown was chosen because of the climate was similar to Britain.
Jamestown was settled on a marsh land.