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how was the character aeneas an ideal roman

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12y ago

he was brave, self-controlled, and loyal to the Gods

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Q: How was the character of Aeneas an ideal roman?
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Is Aeneas a planet?

No, Aeneas is not a planet. In Roman mythology, Aeneas was a legendary Trojan hero and the son of Anchises and the goddess Aphrodite. He was also a central character in Virgil's epic poem, the "Aeneid."

What is the roman name for Aeneas?

Aeneas is a Latin name. The whole legend of Aeneas is of Latin origin.

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How is Aeneas a heroic figure?

In the Aeneid, Aeneas proves to be heroic. First of all, he is an ideal Roman. He thinks like an ideal Roman: 1.Courage- Save the city of Troy 2. Loyal- Save the king 3. Faithful- Save the family 4. Obedient- Obeyed his mom and did not kill Helen 5. Leader- Leads others despite personal sufferings He thought of all these things in order 1,2,3,4,5!

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Why did the Roman historian Livy write about Cincinnatus?

Cincinnatus was written about as an example of the ideal Roman citizen.Cincinnatus was written about as an example of the ideal Roman citizen.Cincinnatus was written about as an example of the ideal Roman citizen.Cincinnatus was written about as an example of the ideal Roman citizen.Cincinnatus was written about as an example of the ideal Roman citizen.Cincinnatus was written about as an example of the ideal Roman citizen.Cincinnatus was written about as an example of the ideal Roman citizen.Cincinnatus was written about as an example of the ideal Roman citizen.Cincinnatus was written about as an example of the ideal Roman citizen.

What was Aeneas the god of?

Aeneas was never a god. He is the main character of Virgil's Aeneid, and one of the first ancestors of Romulus and Remus.

Who was Aeneas' son?

Aeneas' son was Ascanius, also known as Iulus. According to Roman mythology, Ascanius was the son of Aeneas and Creusa, and he went on to found the city of Alba Longa.

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