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The black death was transmitted in two ways, one by a flea that carried the bacteria in a saliva and the flea bit someone. The second way is called pneumonic plague. In this case, the bacteria travel to the lungs and one a person coughs another person can get the plague.

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Q: How was the black death transmitted to humans in 2 ways?
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Why did the Black Death effect the clergy?

The Black Death had many affects on religion. Most people believed it was God punishing them for their wicked ways and would go round whipping themselves to try and please God. Nobody knew anything about hygiene and good living conditions, so they believed a lot about religion whereas nowadays we know the truth about how the Black Death was caused. However, the Black Death affected religion for a small minority as they believed in God and when the "good people" such as priests, died alongside others, they no longer found themselves believing.

How did the black death kill people?

Actually the plague was brought to Europe by Rats with fleas who carried the disease and once contracted by a human the disease became airborne. it takes about 3-7 days for it to kill you. symptoms are fever, painful swelling of the lymph glands also called buboes(thats how it got its name)red spots on skin that turned black and armpits would fill with blood sometimes the womans boobs would pop.

How did the black death affect the clergy?

I only got a couple but there still some :D -Church officials ran the hospital -The church supplied a place where people could stay and pray. -Gave hope to people in numerous ways. -The priests asked for forgiveness on behalf of all the victims of the black plague.

What did people think in the middle ages caused the plague?

Doctors thought the black death was a plague, the virus, unsure. But the virus started as a lump about the size of a baseball on the arm or leg. Then the lumps would spread, and turn an Erie yellow color. Death would all ways arrive in the next five days max.

How did the Black death effect peoples beliefs?

Because of the societies deep belief in the church, when holy officials became infected and died, peoples beliefs faltered and they were left in confusion as to why everyone was being punished. They began to believe the church was somewhat artificial started to revolt against the Feudal System. I suppose you cold say it was the Black Death that led to the Peasants Revolt. ----- The Black Death affected religion in numerous ways. New religious sects formed, such as the Flagellants in Europe. The Flagellants believed the the Black Death was a punishment form God, and sought to get back into His good graces by harming themselves, namely in the from of whipping, to represent Jesus' suffering. They traveled from town to town, going to all the churches, while whipping themselves and praying for salvation, drawing more followers as they passed through inhabited areas. Jews throughout Europe were targeted and scapegoated. People, having no explanation for the Plague, falsely accused Jews of poisoning wells and spreading the Black Plague in other ways. The accusations escalated to violence, and many Jews were driven from their homes or killed in massacres. The Black Death also drove people away from, while drawing other people closer to traditional religion. Some people, believing that God had abandoned them to the plague, turned their back on religion. Others, believing that only God could deliver them from the Plague, strongly embraced religion. The Black Death affected religion in Europe in many ways, spawning new religion, fueling religions persecution, and simultaneously drawing people to religion while driving others away.

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What were two ways people reacted to the spreading of the black death?

Two ways people reacted to the black death is1. They prayed much more2. They burnt the bodies of victimsThe song "Ring around theRosie" is made after the black death

What was the course of the black death?

The main corse of the black plauge which started in the early 1300's was the bubonic plauge where the rats were the first victims , Infact the rats were actually carring the fleas that were tiny parasites feeding off of the rat then being transmitted to humans, causing extreme pain for the victim. The black plauge was know in 3 ways, The bubonic plauge, The Pnemonic plague and the Sepifaemic plague and they all infected and killed people in a week or under, =D

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HIV can be transmitted by blood and breast milk. HIV can't be transmitted by sweat and saliva.

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Black Death created many new opportunities. These made its economy rise again.

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What ways can black Death be taught?

You could check a '''cool video''' on '''youtube''' called "'''The Black Death Song'''". It's by the '''British teleision show called"Horrible Histories",''' '''broacasted on the BBC''' '''for kids'''.

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