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The Black death was killing people by ships having rats and fleas. Then the fleas carry the plague and then the fleas go on the people and then they will get sick and die.

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Q: How was the black death killing people?
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How do people deal with the black death today?

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What was the black death and the effect it had on society?

The black death is a nickname for the bubonic plague. The emidemic lasted a few years killing about half of Europe's population.

How can you avoid the black death?

by killing your self first or staying clean and have good hygiene .

What was it called when fleas carried by rats were killing europeans?

The answer is bubonic plaque

Who had the black death?

black death spread in Europe. black death killed 75 to 200 million people.

When did the black death reach Europe?

Black death affected Europe from about 1340 onwards. It killed large population of Europe, almost 100 million people died of this deadly disease. It reduced worlds population from 450 million to 350 million.

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killing and tortering people

How did the people react to the Black Death?

They wiped themselves and tortured eachother.

What people thought the black death happened?

When Black Death spread. People thought it as anger of god.

What fraction of people were killed by the black death in Europe?

1 in 3 people were killied by the black death

Did Marco polo kill people?

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