killing and tortering people
Black death affected Europe from about 1340 onwards. It killed large population of Europe, almost 100 million people died of this deadly disease. It reduced worlds population from 450 million to 350 million.
They wiped themselves and tortured eachother.
No he had nothing to do with killing he was an explorer
The Ku Klux Klan were killing black people because they felt that black people did not deserve to live freely.
black death affect our lives by killing us..... the plague
The black death is a nickname for the bubonic plague. The emidemic lasted a few years killing about half of Europe's population.
by killing your self first or staying clean and have good hygiene .
The answer is bubonic plaque
black death spread in Europe. black death killed 75 to 200 million people.
killing and tortering people
Black death affected Europe from about 1340 onwards. It killed large population of Europe, almost 100 million people died of this deadly disease. It reduced worlds population from 450 million to 350 million.
They wiped themselves and tortured eachother.
When Black Death spread. People thought it as anger of god.
1 in 3 people were killied by the black death
No he had nothing to do with killing he was an explorer
For me, he died as he lived: torturing and killing innocent people.