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A lot of the time the witches who confessed to committing such a crime as witchcraft, they were spared their life. Even if they didn't do it, which none of them actually did, they ruined their good reputations by admitting to doing it just to live. But when they refused to say they did it, whether for dignity or respect, they were put to death. So why tell the truth, when it would get you killed. It was unfair because lying saved your life and telling the truth killed you.

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Witch trials were notoriously unfair.

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The Puritans held the Salem Witch Trails in 1692.

Where were the Salem Witch Trails?

Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts.

Where did the witch trails happen?

Salem, Massachusetts.

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Massachusetts Bay

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Why did it happen Salem 1692?

The Witch trails happened.

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Governor Phipps ended the Salem witch trials.

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Salem, Massachusetts, which is located near the New Hampshire Border.