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In the Great Schism of 1054, the Catholic Orthodox Church (as it is now known among scholars) split into two parts, each part claiming to represent the original Church.


A heresy implies that a minority group accepts a belief that the majority finds abhorent to their religion. Arianism was regarded as a heresy because it held that Jesus was not truly divine. Reformation

The original purpose of the Reformation leaders was to reform the Roman Catholic Church. It was only after the Church resisted change, that the Protestant Churches began to break away.

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The Reformation was different from a schism or a heresy in that it was a religious and political movement that aimed to reform the existing Roman Catholic Church, rather than forming a separate church or promoting false doctrines. While it did lead to the formation of new Protestant denominations, the main goal of the Reformation was to address perceived corruptions and abuses within the Catholic Church.

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Q: How was the Reformation different from a schism or a heresy?
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How did the great schism help lead the Protestant reformation?

It weakened people's faith in Catholic leaders

How did the Great Schism help lead to the Protestant Reformation?

It weakened people's faith in Catholic leaders

How did Great Schism contribute to Protestant Reformation?

it divided the roman catholic church which lead to protestant churches

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Because king Henry was too addicted to pie to care about the future.

What is the difference between the Schism and the Great Schism?

Roman Catholic AnswerThere is no "the Schism", A schism is any person or group who leaves the Church setting up their own Church. For it to be a true schism the person leaves the Church by refusing to submit to the authority of the pope or to hold communion with members of the Church subject to him. A person or group guilty of schism usually ends up in apostasy and heresy, but they are not the same. None of the above can receive the Sacraments and the conditions for absolution are the same for all three. Groups that are in schism from the Church are the Polish National Catholics, the Old Catholics, and the Orthodox Churches. These Churches all maintain valid Orders, and have valid sacraments. The Society of St. Pius X, as of spring 2012, is headed in that direction. Groups that when into schism and immediately lapsed into apostasy and heresy were the protestant of the first generation. Their descendants are not in schism as they did not maintain a true Church with valid Orders and Sacraments. The Great Schism, in the Catholic Church usually refers to the 14th century when there were claimants to the papal throne living in Avignon. Protestants and secular scholars usually refer to the Eastern Schism as the Great Schism, which would probably be more accurate, but is not commonly terminology in the Church, where it is always referred to as the Schism of the East.

How did the reformation help spur the scientific revolution?

The Catholic hierarchy was restricting research and dissemination of scientific information because much of it was considered heresy. The Reformation created a new environment that lifted some of the restrictions.

What does reformation?

Reformation is when you die and then you are born into a different person then you have been reformed!

Movement to separate form the catholic church?

The movement which separated from the Catholic Church is known as 'the Protestant Reformation.' It was started by Martin Luther.

What are the three causes of the great-schism in Christianity?

What caused this division was human belief in different things. Second there was also a language problem between Latin and Greek and the issue of disunity in the Roman Empire.

When was the first schism of the Christian church?

We do not know when the first schism in the Christian Church occurred. Even in the time of Saint Paul, he talks of opponents and those who taught a "different Christ". By the beginning of the second century, and probably earlier, Christianity was divided along two major lines: what is sometimes now called the proto-Catholic-Orthodox Church and the Gnostic Churches. Marcion made his break from Rome in the middle of the second century. The split of the Coptic Church from the Catholic-Orthodox Church occurred in 451 CE. The Great Schism of 1054 separated the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches. The Western Schism of the fourteenth century temporarily split the Catholic Church. The Protestant Reformation was the next major schism, in the sixteenth century.

What is orthodoxy and heresy?

Orthodoxy is the teaching of some specific religious sect; heresy would be anything that disagrees with that orthodoxy. Of course, since different people belong to different religious sects, one man's orthodoxy is another man's heresy. It is a highly subjective judgment.