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In Egyptian mythology, Menhit (also spelt Menchit) was originally a foreign war goddess. Her name depicts a warrior status, as it means (she who) massacres.

When included among the Egyptian deities, she became the female counterpart of Anhur. It was said that she had come from Nubia with Anhur who had been her counterpart and husband there.

Due to the aggressive attributes possessed by and hunting methods used by lionesses, most things connected to warfare in Egypt were depicted as leonine, and Menhit was no exception, being depicted as a lioness-goddess.

She also was believed to advance ahead of the Egyptian armies and cut down their enemies with fiery arrows, similar to other war deities.

In the 3rd Nome of Upper Egypt, particularly at Esna, Menhit was said to be the wife of Khnum and the mother of Heka.

As the centre of her cult was toward the southern border of Egypt, in Upper Egypt, she became strongly identified with Sekhmet, who was originally the lion-goddess of war for Upper Egypt, after unification of the two Egyptian kingdoms, this goddess began to be considered simply another aspect of Sekhmet.

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What is the name of Egyptian's minor lion goddess?

The Egyptian minor lion goddess was Mehhit. She was also known by the name Menchit.

Goddess of the underworld?

The Greek goddess Persephone (Roman Proserpine) is probably the best known goddess of the underworld. Other pantheons have different goddesses.

Why is MA'AT the Egyptian goddess of truth well known in Egypt?

he will kill him then you

Why did they worship in ancient Egypt?

They worshiped a large number of gods includingAmmut, or Ammit or Ahemait, is the crocodile goddess known as the "Devourer of the Dead". Also known as Ammit the Devourer. Ammut also assists Anubis with carrying out the JudgementsAnput is the wife of Anubis Anput is the goddess of the seventeenth Nome of Upper Egypt. Other sources say she is the desert goddess. Anput the mother of Kebechet.Anubis is god of judgement of life and deathAnuket is the goddess of river Nile.Apophis is the god of chaos and war.AtenBabi is the god of baboons.Bast is the cat goddess.Bastet Goddess of Cats, later version of BastBes is the dwarf god.Geb is the god of the earth.Gengen-Wer is the goose god.Hapi is the god of the nile.Hathor is the goddess of love.Heket is the goddess of frogs.Horus is the god of war,sky, and falcons and son of Osiris.Isis is the goddess of magic, marriage, healing, and motherhood. She is the wife and sister of Osiris and the mother of Horus.Kebechet the goddess of purification, also is known as the wandering goddess, or the lost child.Khepri is the god of scarab beetles. (Ra's aspect in the morning).Khmun is the ram-headed god. (Ra's aspect in the evening).Khonsu is the god of the Moon.Ma'at is the goddess of justice and of order.Mafdet is the god of justice.Mekhit is the minor loin goddess; married to Onuris.Nephthys is the river goddess.Nekhbet is the vulture goddess.Nut is the goddess of sky and stars.Osiris is the god of the underworld and the afterlife. Husband and brother of Isis.Ptah is the god of creation.Ra is the god of the Sun and king of the gods until Osiris took over his throne. Also known as Amun-Ra and Akmun-Rah.Sehkmet is the goddess of lions and fire also goddess of vengeance, alter form of Isis.Serqet is the goddess of scorpions.Seshat is the goddess of writing and measurement.Seth is the god of deserts, storms, evil, and chaos also later version ruler of the underworld.Shu is the god of wind and air.Sobek is the god of crocodiles and alligators.Tawaret is the hippopotamus goddess, and the goddess of childbirth and fertility.Thoth is the scribe god and the god of wisdom, also known as Djehuti.Wadjet is a goddess of protection.

Who was goddess Hathor's friend?

The Egyptian goddess, Hathor stood for the expressions of love, joy and motherhood. Her counterpart in Rome was the goddess, Venus, and in Greece, she was known as Aphrodite. She was friendly with the goddess, Nu, who she eventually absorbed.

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