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Pointillism (or divisionism or luminism) was invented by Georges Seurat in the 1880s in Paris.

Georges Seurat studied the color theories of physicists like Michel-Eugene Chevreul, Edouard Rood and a few others.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Georges Seurat, a Neo-Impressionist painter of the late 1800s, invented pointillism. This technique involves methodically placing dots of different colors in specific ways to create shadows, highlights, and figures.

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What painting uses many small brush strokes to create an effect?

I suppose you mean pointillism.

What art movement is pointillism from?

Pointillism, which was an art technique created by Georges Seurat, occured during the Post-Impressionism art movement.

What is Pointillism?

Pointillism is a style of painting in which small distinct dots of color create the impression of a wide selection of other colors and blending. The dots of color make an image when viewed from a further distance

What are the characteristics of Pointillism?

The figures were not as detailed. The whole piece was completed in variously colored points, so pieces must be seen from a distance. Georges Seurat was the initiator.

When did pointillism began?

Pointillism started in Paris, France.Pointillism is a painting technique created by Georges Seurat (and to a lesser extent, by Paul Signac) in Paris in the 1880s. Seurat was born in Paris, and attended École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts. Seurat's best known work, Un dimanche après-midi à l'Île de la Grande Jatte (A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of the Grande Jatte) was painted over a two-year period, beginning in 1884. While working on this large painting (approx 7' x 10'), Seurat frequently sat in the park on the Island of the Grande Jatte, which is located on the Seine River near at the gates of Paris. This was a popular place for the rising middle class of Parisians to spend their leisure time - to see and to be seen. Seurat and called his technique "divisionism" or simply "neo-impressionism"; the term "Pointillism" (like the term "Impressionism") was a derisive term invented by critics.

Related questions

When was pointillism invented?

it was never invented :D

What art movement was Georges Seurat linked to?

He invented Pointillism, also called Luminism.

What year did pointillism start?

Pointillism was created in 1687 but harry wilson. pointillism is painting with dots to create circles and squres.

Why did Matisse paint using Pointillism?

Pointillism was new and exciting. Matisse did not use it for long.

How is paint applied in pointillism?

In pointillism, the paint it applied as small dots of colour to form an image.

What rhymes with pointillism?


What pens are best for pointillism drawings?

the best pens for pointillism are sharp pointed pens like ink pen

What art movements are said to have formed from pointillism?

The pointillism formed a new art movement called I am too cool for skool.

What style is Georges Seurat's drawing?

His drawings are mostly preparations for paintings. His painting style is Pointillism or Divisionism, also called neo-impressionism or luminism.

Who unvented pointillism?

george seraut

Who has used pointillism in their art?


What are the artistic characteristics of pointillism?
