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Q: How was phillis wheatleys attitude towards white culture and the American revolution?
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Elitist describes the attitude that some Americans think their culture is better than others. This is merely an opinion held by few.

What describes an attitude held by some American business people that American culture is superior to all others?

Elitist describes the attitude that some Americans think their culture is better than others. This is merely an opinion held by few.

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the industrial revolution

This event created a new American culture?

The war in Iraq, the oil consumption crisis and the economic situation created a new American culture.

How did the American Revolution affect people in modern day culture?

The American Revolution has a definite effect on people in modern day culture. Specifically, the United States might not exist today if not for the Revolution. Furthermore, the American Revolution was what inspired the French to revolt. If the American Revolution hadn't happened, there would be repercussions worldwide today.

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The American Revolution impacted Georgia culture. Revolutionary war veterans were granted land in Georgia. The Indians were controlled more and the colonists expanded.

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Enlightenment thinkers of Europe had a profound impact on Western culture and politics. For example, their ideas heavily influenced the American Revolution and the French Revolution, both of which were rooted in democratic ideals.

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Culture x History x Attitude - 2012 was released on: USA: 8 November 2012

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