

How was Israel established?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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16y ago

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The United Nations voted to create Israel. The land was taken from Palestine an Israel was formed. Israel is officially a Jewish country and it was created right after WWII as a safe place for Jewish people to live.

I will try to give you a short overview:

In the end of the 19th century first Jewish settlers came to Israel mainly from Europe to escape from Anti-semitism. Those settlers had huge problems, such as a low economic development standard, no available infrastructure, bad health care and dry land to grow food on.

At the end of the 19h century a Austrian Jewish journalist called Theaodor Herzl initiated a movement which is called Zionism (named after the hill Zion in Jerusalem which is used as a Synonym for Jerusalem). The aim of Zionism was to create a Jewish homeland to get a safe place for all of the Jews in the world. It was not planned by everyone to create this state in Palestine (South America or African states were discussed as well), but the historical and religious connection of the Jews with Palestine was very big.

After the British took control over Palestine in 1920 after World War I, Zionists worked together with the British closely and managed to establish a "State-in-a-state" during World War II. More and more Jews emigrated to Palestine (however, most Jews that left Europe went to the USA at that time), and their political influence grew gradually.

Even before the state of Israel was declared there were several fights between Jews and Arabs in Palestine and as time went on Arabs became more desperate about not getting enough political influence. Eventually both Jews and Arabs attacked British troops and institutions. Therefore in the 1940s the British handed over the Problem to the United Nations, which set up a plan for partition. Palestine would be divided in two states: One Palestinian and one Jewish (Israel).

After World War II ended, a civil war broke out in Palestine, which seamlessly merged in to the Israeli War of Independence. The War of Independence started after Israel declared independence in May 1948, when the state Israel was born. When the War of Independence ended in July 1949 Israel could live in peace for the first time, but it was a short time. Arabs and Palestinians are still fighting today.
The British slowed Immigration during World War II, a time when Jews needed to get out of Europe. After the end of World War II and after the scale of the Holocaust became understood by world leaders. Palestinians started to sell there land for high prices that Jews can afford. After hundreds of hundreds of acres sold to Jews, Britain gave its province (palestine) to Jews and then thousands of Jews came and Israel became

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8y ago
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11y ago

Mandate of Israel:

Palestine/Palestina was created as a colony of the Roman Empire out of the remnant of the homeland of the Jews, Israel around 2,000 years ago. This real estate changed hands many times, Romans, Byzantine, Islamic Jihad, Crusaders; then it became a province of the Ottoman/Turkish Empire until the 1st World War. The British took over according to League of Nations mandate. The Brits carved a disjointed land for the Jews after that.


Israel was created from part of Palestine in order to create a homeland for the Jewish people. A sector of Palestinian land was placed aside and Israel was built on that sector of land.

By giving time the israel was formed
The land called Palestine now consists of Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza

Strip. To Jews, their claim to the land dates back 3,000 years, when Jewish kings ruled the region from Jerusalem. To Palestinians (both Muslim and Christian), the land has belonged to them since the Jews were driven out around A.D 135 to Arabs, the land has belonged to them since their conquest of the area in the7th century

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12y ago

The British were given the Mandate over the Palestinian Territories after WWI. By the end of WWII, they could not really control the enmity between the larger developing Jewish Community (increased dramatically by refugees from Europe) and the Arab and Islamic community along with the settled Palestinians. The British with their empire collapsing (such as India) to nationalist movements, decided to end their Mandate with the Palestinian Territories. The newly established UN agreed to a partition of the territories into Jewish and Arab lands. This partition was accepted by the Jewish agency and rejected by the Arab communities. The day before the British Mandate ended, the Jewish agency which acted as the Israeli pre-state government, declared independence. A war ensued between the new state of Israel and numerous Arab countries which ended in an cease fire; and led to the many Palestinian refugees; and the annexation of much of the west bank and east Jerusalem by Jordan. In May of 1949 the UN accepted Israel as a member country of the United Nations.

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7y ago

Israel was formed because after World War 2 many Jewish refugees were homeless and some had lost their whole family and they all needed a place to live in and a place where they could be protected and recover from the horrors they suffered during the Holocaust.

The Jewish refugees could not ethically be left in Germany, which had killed so many Jews. The Allied countries were highly anti-Semitic at this period and did not want an influx of Jewish immigrants; thus they asked top Zionist leaders where they would like to be placed. They quoted the ancient Torah's words as a legitimate reason to receive the land which they then named Israel. Israel provided the refugees with a stable government and defense, and was recognized by the United Nations.

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9y ago

Shorter Answers

Answer 1

In 1947, the British Mandate over Palestine ended, and by Resolution of the League of Nations, Palestine was partitioned into a "Jewish State" and a "Palestinian State". The Zionist movement accepted the division, while the Arab leadership did not. The newly founded Jewish state was immediately attacked by 5 Arab states (Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria) as well as by several other Arab forces (Army of the holy war, Arab liberation army and the Muslim brotherhood) but won the war.

Answer 2

The Modern Nation of Israel came into existence through the philosophical aspirations of Zionists, the gradual settlement of Halutzim (Pioneers) in the British Mandate of Palestine, the Militias of the Haganah, Palmach, and Irgun, the UN Partition Plan of 1947 and its vote to sanction a modern Jewish State, the declaration of Statehood by Ben Gurion in 1948, and the War of Independence (1948-1949). All of these things went into the Establishment of the Modern Nation of Israel.

Longer Answer

A very difficult historical question of which one short answer isn't possible.

The Zionist Movement was created in the 19th century. But before that there has always been a non stop Jewish settlement for thousands of years! Ironically, something what most people don't know, the holocaust was already predicted by the Zionist Movement 100 years before 1942. Israel wasn't directly created after WW2. In the 19th century Theodor Herzl wrote in 'Der Judenstaat' (= The Jewish National Home) that the Jews would never get peace in Europe and the Arab World and the hate against them would go worse. Emigration to America would cause assimilation (that nothing would remain of the Jewish culture, that they would disappear in the American culture). Theodor Herzl wrote that the Jews only could be save in their original homeland: The Land Of Israel. Where they could protect them self and where they freely could keep their religion and culture.

Ottoman Southern Syria was a poor territory (the Arabs firstly didn't call it Palestine! Palestine is just a European Christian Name introduced by the Romans) There were not even forests and lakes and rivers. From 1830 the Jews became by naturally growth the major population in Jerusalem, this was before the Zionist movement. They then build outside of the Old City and created the center of nowadays modern West-Jerusalem. In the Middle Ages many philosophers wrote about the Jewish presence and the Jewish claim to the country has always been much bigger then the Muslim claim. For the Jews Jerusalem is the most holy of the world whereas for the Muslims it is Mecca. The first settlement by the Zionist Movement was at the end of the 19th century. The Aliyah meant the Return to Israel. Yishuv was the settlement. Immigrants are called Olim. 80 % of the Israeli population nowadays is born in Israel (and this becomes bigger and bigger) and 20 % are Olim. The Jewish National Fund wanted to buy as much as land from the Arabs, Druze and Beduins and make it fertile for agriculture, prompting the creation of the Kibbutzim throughout the land. Tel Aviv was created on land bought from Beduins. (See Link Below).

Cities and villages formed were named the same way as they originally were in The Bible name and were built near the original ruins (Beit Shemesh for example).

The Ottomans and most of the Arabs never used the name Palestine, they called it Southern Syria. Just nowadays they use it because they want Palestine as part of a big Islamic Empire. The Palestinian Refugees were original only a couple of 100 thousands who lived in Palestine between 1946-1948 and were driven away in a war the Arabs begun (after David Ben Gurion declared the rebirth of the State of Israel in 1948). The Arabs put the refugees away in closed camps on the West Bank (captured by Jordan) and Gaza (by Egypt) and Southern Lebanon and Western Jordan. At the same time in 1948 more then 1 million Jews fled from the Arab world to Israel from Persia, Yemen, Iraq, Egypt, Tunisia etc. (at that time they finally could live a good life as a real people) So Israel began with that 'exchange' of Palestinian/Arab refugees with Jewish refugees from all over the world a real Jewish State. The only Jewish national home in the world.

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16y ago

At the end of the British mandate on Palestine which gave Israel its legitimacy, Israel was declared an independent state in May 15th, 1948. Answer Israel was established by G-d. Read the Old Testament

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8y ago

Zionism,anti-semitism, and the holocaust lead to the creation of Isreal by when the Jews moved all across the world which was zionism and the hatred of the Jews which was anti-semitism which causedthem to move back to Palestine and no one liked them so they wanted to kill them and Adolf Hitler wanted to kill all of the Jews which he did he killed an estimate of 6 million Jews which was the holocaust.Then, they started to feel sorry for the Jews and wanted to help them so they made them their own country which their homeland was created which is now called Isreal and thats how Isreal was created.

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13y ago

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the total Jewish population of Palestine was estimated at around 20,000 persons, but this quickly increased with legal and illegal immigration. Until 1948 the holy land, Palestine, was a British mandated territory. British policy on the territory was informed by the Balfour Declaration of 1917, whereby Palestine would be regarded as a homeland for the Jews, subject to the rights of the Arabs, but would not necessarily be an independent state. By 1939, Britain was moving away from this position, and a white Paper recommended that an Arab state of Palestine be created.

In order to force Britain's hand and ensure a favourable outcome, the Jews commenced a program of terrorism, with the Stern Gang as the main participant. In 1946, the British headquarters in the King David Hotel were blown up. By February 1947, the number of British casualties in Palestine has risen sharply and Britain called on the UN to solve the Palestinian problem.

At this point, the United States reached agreement with USSR that Palestine was to be divided. In November 1947, a UN Special Committee on Palestine presented a report to the General Assembly, with a majority advocating division, but a minority advocating a unitary state based on democracy. Intense pressure by USA and USSR was necessary to gain the necessary two thirds majority vote for partition.

In 1947, King Abdullah of Jordan held secret negotiations with the Jewish agency to divide Palestine between his kingdom and the Jews. By this means, the Palestinians were effectively isolated from a potential ally.

At first, the international solution was for the Palestinians to receive the major portion of the divided territory, but the Jews gradually achieved concessions, until a "Green Line" was drawn, dividing the territory approximately into two, by means of four sectors which touched at one point, so that a Jew or Palestinian need not cross the other's territory in order to move from one of his two territories to the other.

After the British forces moved out, the Jews declared independence for Israel and commenced a civil war to extend its area. This was successful, and the recognised boundaries of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip were far more favourable to Israel than provided by the Green Line. Palestinians were deported from their ancestral homes, changing the proportions between Jews and Arabs in the Israeli zone. Between May 1948 and January 1949, 370 Palestinian villages were wiped out just in the coastal strip between Tel-Aviv and Haifa. In many cases, if the villagers refused to leave, they were put onto trucks and driven away to the West Bank.

Some publications that may provide more information include:

  • A history of modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples(2004) by Professor Ilan Pappe (University of Haifa, Israel);
  • The History of Israel (1998) by Professor Arnold Blumberg;
  • Bitter Harvest: A Modern History of Palestine (1989), by Sami Hadawi (official land valuer during the British Mandate)

In the interest of a modicum of balance, another contributor added:

The Palestinian Arabs and all surrounding Arab states vehemently rejected the UN GA

Partition decision. Armed intervention was threatened by them and actually initiated

the war, even before the British departed. Egyptian planes immediately bombed Tel Aviv

at the beginning of the conflict. Insurgents besieged the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem.

Incidentally it was British policy to hinder any implementation of partition and the setting up

of the Jerusalem "corpus separatum". Responsibility for the Naqba should therefore sit

firmly on the shoulders of the departing power - Great Britain. The Israelis were entitled to

defend themselves. That is only natural. Atrocities were committed by both sides.

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7y ago

Zionist Jews had been trying to establish a Jewish State in Israel since the 1890s. The only reason that it took so long was that the Jews tried to get support from the International Community to make this dream a reality. As a result, it is worth splitting this question into "Why did Jews want Israel?" and "Why did the rest of the world finally come around on legitimizing Israel?"

Why did the Jews want Israel?

There are two operative parts to that question. There is the implicit question as to whether a Jewish State is something that should exist. There is the explicit question as to whether the geographical location chosen for this Jewish State is proper for its mission.

1) Why a Jewish State: Herzl explained quite well that the European concept of a nation-state was dependent on the idea that all of the people in any particular nation were of the same ethnic stock and heritage. Jews were branded by this system to be "the Other" and were regarded at best as possible equals and at worse as traitors, spies, thieves, and fifth columns. When the Dreyfus Affair turned out marches in Paris that said "Death to the Jews" on account of a kangaroo court against a particular guiltless Jew, it became clear that the Jew could not be integrated into Europe. After the Holocaust, the strongest proof that the Jew and the European Nation-State were irreconcilable, this view of denigrating "the Other" persists. In Europe, it is now directed at the Muslims since the Jews are not large enough of a threat to the European System. Unlike Muslims, though, which can return to their countries of origin if the discrimination becomes intolerable, the Jews did not have such a place. This is why the Jewish State is necessary. Since it came into existence it has accepted Jewish political refugees from over 50 nations and flown missions at its own expense to rescue Jews from at least 10 nations.

2) Why Israel: Ahad Ha'am explains that the Jewish Soul is intrinsically connected to his history and in the same way that a German-American can never be as properly German as a German in Germany, the People of Israel can never be as properly Jewish if they are not in the Land of Israel. The relics in that land speak to a Jewish sensibility and character. There are also religious reasons as expounded by Rav Avraham Kook which posit that the development of a Jewish State in Israel hastens the arrival of the Messiah. There are additional political reasons why Israel and not Europe. As explained above, the European Culture is strongly anti-Other and making a Jewish State there would have fostered much more contempt and alienation (ironically).

Why did the rest of the world come around on legitimizing a Jewish State?
1) Be Gone & Good Riddance: (written by someone else) Many nations looked on with favor and relief, assuming that all Jews would eventually migrate there, and the nations would finally be rid of them. But even that fond hope was not enough for most Muslim nations, who bitterly opposed the creation of Israel, and after 64 years, still do.

2) Holocaust Pity: The Holocaust bore out two major truths as concerned the Jewish people. The first was that without a government loyal to their interests, they could easily be targeted against and brutally murdered. The second major truth was that such an event was no longer a hypothetical since 6 million Jews were intentionally mass-murdered by what had previously been seen as one of the most progressive modern countries: Germany.

3) Middle East Control: Although it seems odd to say it today, both the United States and the Soviet Union believed that Israel could be converted to "their side" in the Cold War. Given that any Jewish State in the Arab World would be isolated, it would be natural for such a state to create a strategic relationship with one of the major powers. Additionally, a Jewish State might be able to influence neighboring Arab states and make them more pliant as concerns oil shipments. Both the USA and USSR supported the Creation of the State of Israel for these strategic reasons.

4) Solidarity with the Oppressed: Many nations in Latin America supported Israel because they sympathized with the oppressed Jewish people and saw the Independence of Israel as akin to their wars against Spain/Portugal and the internal fights for more indigenous equality.

5) Because It's the Right Thing to Do: There was certainly support for a Jewish State because some just saw it as the proper thing to return Palestine to the Jews. Churchill, who was no longer Prime Minister, held many pro-Zionist views out of respect for the Jews and their contribution to that region of the world.

6) Diplomatic Pressure: Both the United States and Soviet Union pressured their allies and third world countries to support the United Nations Resolution. This does not make the vote any less valid, but is worth noting.

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