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Manor Life

The center of the manor was the house where the lord and his family lived.

A manor was a piece of land having farm fields, and woods, a hamlet or village, farm buildings, and a house for a lord to live in with his family. Sometimes there was a second, smaller, nice house.

Peasants called serfs lived and worked on the manor.

The homes of the lords of the estates, and tended to be large and much more comfortable than the houses of other people. Some of the manor houses were fortified, and these could look very much like castles

Activities on the manor were from farming to woodworking to wine making.

Town Life

In the center of the town were the market square and a cathedral.

Most medieval towns were dirty, cramped, and busy places. The streets were narrow, dirty, and usually not paved.

Goldsmiths, bakers, weavers, and dryers had a town life.

Most of the houses were made out of wood and easily caught on fire.

In towns people with the same occupation formed groups called guilds. Guilds watched out for their members and worked to make sure everyone found employment.


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Q: How was life in the towns different from life on the manor?
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How was life different from a town in the middle ages from life on a manor?

life was different in middle ages since it was the middles ages and in manor well, it was the manor!

Why were medieval towns so crowded?

Medieval towns were crowded because serfs wanted more freedom and moved out of the manor land to towns.

How was life in towns different from life on the manor?

Manor Life The center of the manor was the house where the lord and his family lived. A manor was a piece of land having farm fields, and woods, a hamlet or village, farm buildings, and a house for a lord to live in with his family. Sometimes there was a second, smaller, nice house. Peasants called serfs lived and worked on the manor. The homes of the lords of the estates, and tended to be large and much more comfortable than the houses of other people. Some of the manor houses were fortified, and these could look very much like castles Activities on the manor were from farming to woodworking to wine making. Town Life In the center of the town were the market square and a cathedral. Most medieval towns were dirty, cramped, and busy places. The streets were narrow, dirty, and usually not paved. Goldsmiths, bakers, weavers, and dryers had a town life. Most of the houses were made out of wood and easily caught on fire. In towns people with the same occupation formed groups called guilds. Guilds watched out for their members and worked to make sure everyone found employment. HOPE THIS HELPS :)

How was manor life different than town and city life?

Manor Life The center of the manor was the house where the lord and his family lived. A manor was a piece of land having farm fields, and woods, a hamlet or village, farm buildings, and a house for a lord to live in with his family. Sometimes there was a second, smaller, nice house. Peasants called serfs lived and worked on the manor. The homes of the lords of the estates, and tended to be large and much more comfortable than the houses of other people. Some of the manor houses were fortified, and these could look very much like castles. Activities on the manor were from farming to woodworking to wine making. Town Life In the center of the town were the market square and a cathedral.Most medieval towns were dirty, cramped, and busy places. The streets were narrow, dirty, and usually not paved. Goldsmiths, bakers, weavers, and dryers had a town life. Most of the houses were made out of wood and easily caught on fire. In towns people with the same occupation formed groups called guilds. Guilds watched out for their members and worked to make sure everyone found employment.

How was life in the town different from life on the manor?

Manor Life The center of the manor was the house where the lord and his family lived. A manor was a piece of land having farm fields, and woods, a hamlet or village, farm buildings, and a house for a lord to live in with his family. Sometimes there was a second, smaller, nice house. Peasants called serfs lived and worked on the manor. The homes of the lords of the estates, and tended to be large and much more comfortable than the houses of other people. Some of the manor houses were fortified, and these could look very much like castles Activities on the manor were from farming to woodworking to wine making. Town Life In the center of the town were the market square and a cathedral. Most medieval towns were dirty, cramped, and busy places. The streets were narrow, dirty, and usually not paved. Goldsmiths, bakers, weavers, and dryers had a town life. Most of the houses were made out of wood and easily caught on fire. In towns people with the same occupation formed groups called guilds. Guilds watched out for their members and worked to make sure everyone found employment. HOPE THIS HELPS :)

How was life in town different from life on the manor?

Manor Life The center of the manor was the house where the lord and his family lived. A manor was a piece of land having farm fields, and woods, a hamlet or village, farm buildings, and a house for a lord to live in with his family. Sometimes there was a second, smaller, nice house. Peasants called serfs lived and worked on the manor. The homes of the lords of the estates, and tended to be large and much more comfortable than the houses of other people. Some of the manor houses were fortified, and these could look very much like castles Activities on the manor were from farming to woodworking to wine making. Town Life In the center of the town were the market square and a cathedral. Most medieval towns were dirty, cramped, and busy places. The streets were narrow, dirty, and usually not paved. Goldsmiths, bakers, weavers, and dryers had a town life. Most of the houses were made out of wood and easily caught on fire. In towns people with the same occupation formed groups called guilds. Guilds watched out for their members and worked to make sure everyone found employment. HOPE THIS HELPS :)

What was not in the medieval manor?

Cities and towns were not normally in manors. Villages could be.

Who controlled towns and often granted charters of liberty?

Manor Lord

What is life like on the manor for a common person?

life on the manor was grusom and crule!

Who gave towns people freedom from ever having to work on manor?


How was life different than town and city life?

Manor Life The center of the manor was the house where the lord and his family lived. A manor was a piece of land having farm fields, and woods, a hamlet or village, farm buildings, and a house for a lord to live in with his family. Sometimes there was a second, smaller, nice house. Peasants called serfs lived and worked on the manor. The homes of the lords of the estates, and tended to be large and much more comfortable than the houses of other people. Some of the manor houses were fortified, and these could look very much like castles. Activities on the manor were from farming to woodworking to wine making. Town Life In the center of the town were the market square and a cathedral.Most medieval towns were dirty, cramped, and busy places. The streets were narrow, dirty, and usually not paved. Goldsmiths, bakers, weavers, and dryers had a town life. Most of the houses were made out of wood and easily caught on fire. In towns people with the same occupation formed groups called guilds. Guilds watched out for their members and worked to make sure everyone found employment.

Controlled towns and often granted charters of liberty?

Manor lords were the men who controlled towns and villages and often granted charters of liberty. By law, these manor lords were allowed to force the peasants under their control to work without pay and confine them to the land.