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Q: How was life hard from 570 AD to 632 AD?
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What is the date of birth of prophet Mohammad according to the christian calendar?

570 AD and died in .June 632 AD.

What are the names of wives of Muhummad pbuh?

Maymuna bint al-Harith(m. 630 AD-632 AD) Maria al-Qibtiyya(m. 630 AD-632 AD) Umm Salama Hind bint Abi Umayya(m. 629 AD-632 AD) Safiyya bint Huyayy(m. 629 AD-632 AD) Rayhāna bint Zayd ibn ʿAmr(m. 629 AD-631 AD) Ramla bint Abi Sufyan(m. 628 AD-632 AD) Juwayriyya bint al-Harith(m. 628 AD-632 AD) Zaynab bint Jahsh(m. 627 AD-632 AD) Zaynab bint Khuzayma(m. 625 AD-627 AD) Hafsa bint Umar(m. 624 AD-632 AD) Sawda bint Zamʿa(m. 619 AD-632 AD) Aisha bint Abu Bakr(m. 619 AD-632 AD) Khadija bint Khuwaylid(m. 595 AD-619 AD)

Was Mohamed a real person?

Surely.Muhammad was a real person.He was born on 20th April 570 AD and died on 8th June 632 AD,both falling on Mondays.So,like Friday,Monday is also a sacred day for Muslims.

Was abraham lincoln the founder of islam?

Answer: Abraham Lincoln lived 1809 to 1865 AD. Muhammed lived 570 to 632 AD. Apart from the obvious problem with chronology, Abraham Lincoln was of a singificantly different character to Muhammed, he saved the union but did not found a religion.

Which year was Prophet Muhammad born?

He was born in 570. In Makah there were some rude people so... lets go back you see those people were bad (not all) Prophet Muhamed SAWs grandpa was good and his granfather had a rude little brother as yeah he moved to Madina cuz there were rude people i wached a movie 4 it. there is this turkish movie named Fetih it has subtitles it in cinema and its about people in istanbul r christians and they have war with them to get rid of the christians!

When did the prophet muhammed die?

632 AD.

What century is 632 AD?

7th century

How long was Muhammad a prophet?

Born in 571 A.D., Muhammad lived for exactly 63 years.

What Islamic event did happen in year 570 AD?

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was born in 570 AD.

How does 570 CE convert to AD or bc?

570 AD. CE (common era) is just a secular way of saying AD (anno domini - the year of our lord)

When did Muhammad's return to Mecca?

In year 632 AD

When was the last revelation of quran?

In year 632 AD.