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Q: How was greek fire used during the civil war?
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to time cannon fire

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Anything that could fire a projectile down range was used during the Civil War. Type your answer here...

What weapons did they use in the civil war in England?

Weapons used during the English Civil War included swords and other bladed weapons, and fire arms including simple muskets and cannon.

Who used Greek fire against Arabs?


What is grégeois?

feu gregeois is French for "Greek fire" - it was lobbed at enemy ships (which were of course made of wood) during naval battles to set fire to them. I am not sure when it was invented. I believe it was used by the Byzantines in the Middle Ages.

What anesthesia was used in the Civil War?

Chloroform was used to as an anesthesia during the Civil War.

What was used for heat in the civil war?

Fire places and stoves.

When the earliest known use of Greek Fire?

The Greek Fire was a weapon used by the East Roman or Byzantine Empire. It was used in naval battles as it could continue burning while floating on water.

What is fire in Greek?

Greek Fire is a nitrate-based compound that the Byzantines used in a sort of grenade When the compound caught fire, it would explode and set a raging fire because of the nitrate, which is also a component in gunpower.

What is a common description of a fire fight in a battle in the US Civil War?

A "firefight" is a term that began in usage in 1896 well after the civil war, but it's meaning may apply to the methods of skirmish used in the civil war. Since the Remington repeater rifle was invented during the civil war rapid fire was a new battle tactic. So, I am not sure that a civil war description can be given of what we would consider a modern firefight.

What kinds of airplanes were used during the civil war?

There were no airplanes back in the Civil War

What was cotton used for during the Civil War?

it was used to trade with Europe