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Family was important in Rome because a family was both a political and economic unit. The powerful families controlled the government and much of the economy. They made alliances with each other through marriages, adoptions and some business ventures. The concept of amicitia or friendship made it an obligation for allied families to support each other.

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βˆ™ 10mo ago

Family was incredibly important in ancient Rome. The family unit, known as the familia, was the foundation of Roman society. It played a crucial role in social, economic, and political life. Roman families were hierarchical, led by the pater familias who had absolute authority over the household. The familia also extended beyond the immediate family, including extended relatives, freed slaves, and clients, further solidifying the importance of the family in Roman society.

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Was Marriage Important In Rome?

yes its important in acient rome :)

What wealthy family ruled Rome in 620 BC?

In 620 BC Rome was ruled by the king Ancus Martius. Since the kings were selected by the senate at that time, there was no actual family that ruled Rome although there was undoubtedly family alliances.In 620 BC Rome was ruled by the king Ancus Martius. Since the kings were selected by the senate at that time, there was no actual family that ruled Rome although there was undoubtedly family alliances.In 620 BC Rome was ruled by the king Ancus Martius. Since the kings were selected by the senate at that time, there was no actual family that ruled Rome although there was undoubtedly family alliances.In 620 BC Rome was ruled by the king Ancus Martius. Since the kings were selected by the senate at that time, there was no actual family that ruled Rome although there was undoubtedly family alliances.In 620 BC Rome was ruled by the king Ancus Martius. Since the kings were selected by the senate at that time, there was no actual family that ruled Rome although there was undoubtedly family alliances.In 620 BC Rome was ruled by the king Ancus Martius. Since the kings were selected by the senate at that time, there was no actual family that ruled Rome although there was undoubtedly family alliances.In 620 BC Rome was ruled by the king Ancus Martius. Since the kings were selected by the senate at that time, there was no actual family that ruled Rome although there was undoubtedly family alliances.In 620 BC Rome was ruled by the king Ancus Martius. Since the kings were selected by the senate at that time, there was no actual family that ruled Rome although there was undoubtedly family alliances.In 620 BC Rome was ruled by the king Ancus Martius. Since the kings were selected by the senate at that time, there was no actual family that ruled Rome although there was undoubtedly family alliances.

Why did Hannibal Barca hate Rome?

Hannibal hated Rome because his father hated Rome---sort of a family tradition. As a youngster, Hannibal was made to swear an oath of hatred against Rome by his father.Hannibal hated Rome because his father hated Rome---sort of a family tradition. As a youngster, Hannibal was made to swear an oath of hatred against Rome by his father.Hannibal hated Rome because his father hated Rome---sort of a family tradition. As a youngster, Hannibal was made to swear an oath of hatred against Rome by his father.Hannibal hated Rome because his father hated Rome---sort of a family tradition. As a youngster, Hannibal was made to swear an oath of hatred against Rome by his father.Hannibal hated Rome because his father hated Rome---sort of a family tradition. As a youngster, Hannibal was made to swear an oath of hatred against Rome by his father.Hannibal hated Rome because his father hated Rome---sort of a family tradition. As a youngster, Hannibal was made to swear an oath of hatred against Rome by his father.Hannibal hated Rome because his father hated Rome---sort of a family tradition. As a youngster, Hannibal was made to swear an oath of hatred against Rome by his father.Hannibal hated Rome because his father hated Rome---sort of a family tradition. As a youngster, Hannibal was made to swear an oath of hatred against Rome by his father.Hannibal hated Rome because his father hated Rome---sort of a family tradition. As a youngster, Hannibal was made to swear an oath of hatred against Rome by his father.

Why was scipio so important?

Scipio was important to Rome because he chased, fought and defeated Hannibal and the threat Hannibal posed to Rome.Scipio was important to Rome because he chased, fought and defeated Hannibal and the threat Hannibal posed to Rome.Scipio was important to Rome because he chased, fought and defeated Hannibal and the threat Hannibal posed to Rome.Scipio was important to Rome because he chased, fought and defeated Hannibal and the threat Hannibal posed to Rome.Scipio was important to Rome because he chased, fought and defeated Hannibal and the threat Hannibal posed to Rome.Scipio was important to Rome because he chased, fought and defeated Hannibal and the threat Hannibal posed to Rome.Scipio was important to Rome because he chased, fought and defeated Hannibal and the threat Hannibal posed to Rome.Scipio was important to Rome because he chased, fought and defeated Hannibal and the threat Hannibal posed to Rome.Scipio was important to Rome because he chased, fought and defeated Hannibal and the threat Hannibal posed to Rome.

What was trading like in ancient Greece and rome?

trading was really important in greece, more important than rome. fish wasbig in greece. rome didn't have fish.

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What wealthy family ruled Rome in 620 BC?

In 620 BC Rome was ruled by the king Ancus Martius. Since the kings were selected by the senate at that time, there was no actual family that ruled Rome although there was undoubtedly family alliances.In 620 BC Rome was ruled by the king Ancus Martius. Since the kings were selected by the senate at that time, there was no actual family that ruled Rome although there was undoubtedly family alliances.In 620 BC Rome was ruled by the king Ancus Martius. Since the kings were selected by the senate at that time, there was no actual family that ruled Rome although there was undoubtedly family alliances.In 620 BC Rome was ruled by the king Ancus Martius. Since the kings were selected by the senate at that time, there was no actual family that ruled Rome although there was undoubtedly family alliances.In 620 BC Rome was ruled by the king Ancus Martius. Since the kings were selected by the senate at that time, there was no actual family that ruled Rome although there was undoubtedly family alliances.In 620 BC Rome was ruled by the king Ancus Martius. Since the kings were selected by the senate at that time, there was no actual family that ruled Rome although there was undoubtedly family alliances.In 620 BC Rome was ruled by the king Ancus Martius. Since the kings were selected by the senate at that time, there was no actual family that ruled Rome although there was undoubtedly family alliances.In 620 BC Rome was ruled by the king Ancus Martius. Since the kings were selected by the senate at that time, there was no actual family that ruled Rome although there was undoubtedly family alliances.In 620 BC Rome was ruled by the king Ancus Martius. Since the kings were selected by the senate at that time, there was no actual family that ruled Rome although there was undoubtedly family alliances.

Was marriage important in ancient Rome?

Yes, marriage and family was very important. Divorce was legal but was very shameful and didn't happen all that often. Marriage created a stable family and carried on a family tree. People would marry within their own social class.

Who are important people in rome?

If you mean ancient Rome, the important people were those who were in political office or those who headed a wealthy family. Any man elected to a public office or chosen to lead an army was an important person. Men such as Marius, Sulla, Pompey, Caesar, Crassus and Scipio were all important in their particular times and their particular fields.

Why did Hannibal Barca hate Rome?

Hannibal hated Rome because his father hated Rome---sort of a family tradition. As a youngster, Hannibal was made to swear an oath of hatred against Rome by his father.Hannibal hated Rome because his father hated Rome---sort of a family tradition. As a youngster, Hannibal was made to swear an oath of hatred against Rome by his father.Hannibal hated Rome because his father hated Rome---sort of a family tradition. As a youngster, Hannibal was made to swear an oath of hatred against Rome by his father.Hannibal hated Rome because his father hated Rome---sort of a family tradition. As a youngster, Hannibal was made to swear an oath of hatred against Rome by his father.Hannibal hated Rome because his father hated Rome---sort of a family tradition. As a youngster, Hannibal was made to swear an oath of hatred against Rome by his father.Hannibal hated Rome because his father hated Rome---sort of a family tradition. As a youngster, Hannibal was made to swear an oath of hatred against Rome by his father.Hannibal hated Rome because his father hated Rome---sort of a family tradition. As a youngster, Hannibal was made to swear an oath of hatred against Rome by his father.Hannibal hated Rome because his father hated Rome---sort of a family tradition. As a youngster, Hannibal was made to swear an oath of hatred against Rome by his father.Hannibal hated Rome because his father hated Rome---sort of a family tradition. As a youngster, Hannibal was made to swear an oath of hatred against Rome by his father.

Who was the ruling family in Rome?


How was a life of a women in a family in ancient rome?

The life of a woman in a family in ancient Rome was very simple. They supported and took care of their husbands.

Were there any important laws of rome?

All the laws were important (at least for a time) in Rome. That's why they were called laws.

What are important cities in rome?

Apart from Rome itself, Vatican City