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First, Greek democracy was a direct democracy, all men who owned land had a position in government, where as in the United States we have a representative democracy.

Second, In the US there are three branches of government:

  1. Executive- Presidency, Enforce laws
  2. Legislative- House/Senate (Bicameral), makes laws
  3. Judicial- Supreme court, serves justice
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7y ago

Democracy ( = people power) was direct - a fortnightly assembly of the adult male citizens made decisions and a council carried them out. Today we elect representatives, and they act by majority in an parliament, and are not bound to follow the wishes of the electors on each issue.

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7y ago

It was a direct democracy - the citizens met in assembly and discussed issue and made decisions which were implemented by the council.

Modern democracies are representative - citizens elect members to a parliament where the representatives vote, supposedly according to what their electors want, but usually according to political party dictates, which may be at odds with the electors desires.

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12y ago

Ancient Greece had a direct democracy in the city of Athens. Other cities had oligarchies, which are a few men running the city, and tyrants, a dictator of the city.

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Q: How was ancient Greece's form of democracy different from ours today?
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What were the most signifcant elements of ancient athenian democracy?

Some of the democratic principles in ancient Athens, mirrored what we would expect of democracy today, but there were some traits that were different. One example of a different principle is that women were still not seen as equals unless there were believed to be descendants of gods.

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Why did the ancient Greek city-state Athens have a direct democracy while the Romans had a republic?

Republic and democracy are two different things. A Republic can be a democracy, just as a constitutional monarchy today can be a democracy. Democracy existed in the Roman Republic, as it had three different assemblies of the citizens (Centuriate, Tribal, Plebeian). Athens went through phases - monarchy, oligarchy, limited democracy, radical democracy.

How is democracy during ancient greek similar to our democracy today?

We vote for our leaders today, just like Ancient Greek. We also count ballets and meet up to vote. Not only that, but,like the Ancient Greeks, the leaders(presidents)have debates on why you should vote for them.

How was the direct democracy simular and different from a representative democracy?

This is significantly different to the representative democracy practiced in almost all democratic countries today.

How do you use Ancient greek ideas today?

And don't forget that the Greeks invented democracy.

What ancient principle's traditions and events have shaped the system of government we have today?

The main principle which has shaped today's government in the Wast is democracy. it was invented by the Greeks Athens had the first ever democracy.

What is one way democracy in Athens was different than democracy today?

they were diffrent by love and happieness

What was democracy in Ancient Greece?

A democracy is a type of government that we Americans use today. Democracy means "rule by the people" . In other words, meaning the citizens of ancient Greece had the freedom to vote or to have many other rights in their city-state. Athens used democracy. Hoped this helped! :)

How ancient India was in the ancient times?

different from today's techniques '

In the ancient Greek system of democracy what happened?

The male citizens in assembly voted on issues put before them, giving binding decisions. This is different from today's representative democracy where elected members of parliament make decisions, not necessarily those expected by the majority.