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Actinium was discovered in residues from the uranium and radium extraction from ores.

Andre Louis Debierne (France) discovered actinium in 1899. Friedrich Oskar Giesel (Germany) independently discovered it in 1902 but Debierne is largely credited with the discovery.

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The name actinium is derived from the Greek language word aktis (ακτις); the meaning of aktis is radiation.

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What scientists have discovered actinium?

Andre Louis Debierne discovered actinium in 1899. Friedrich Oskar Giesel independently discovered it in 1902 but Debierne is largely credited with the discovery.

Who was actinium discovered by?

Andre Louis Debierne (France) discovered actinium in 1899. Friedrich Oskar Giesel (Germany) independently discovered it in 1902 but Debierne is largely credited with the discovery.

The discovers of actinium?

Andre Louis Debierne - 1899 Fritz Giesel - 1902

Protactinium is a radioactive element from where and by whom its name was selected?

The meaning of protactinium is before actinium. The name is from 1949, probably selected by IUPAC.

What country was francium first discovered?

Francium was discovered by Marguerite Perey (from France) in 1939 during a study on actinium-227: she observed an energy level possibly attributable to a new element. After some chemical experiments she was sure that the radiation is from a new chemical element, after this called francium.

Related questions

Is actinium found in batteries?

Batteries doesn't contain actinium.

Where would you find actinium at in nature?

Actinium is found in uranium and thorium ores.

Where was Actinium Founded?

Discoverers of actinium: Andre Louis Debierne - 1899 Fritz Giesel - 1902 Actinium is found in uranium minerals.

Where can Actinium be found in nature?

Actinium exist in minute traces in uranium and thorium ores.

What is actinium found at on earth?

Actinium exist in minute traces associated with uranium or thorium ores.

Where is actinium found in the world?

Actinium exist in all uranium minerals: ex. uraninite (pitchblende).

What is the appearance of actinium in nature?

Actinium is found in very low concentrations in uranium ores, probably as an oxyde.

Where is acinium found?

Actinium is separated from pitchblende. Actinium, AC, is found in uranium ore, a product of radioactive decay of uranium and ?æother unstable elements.

What year was the element actinium found?

in 1899 in France.

What country is actinium found in?

Actinium is found in various countries around the world, primarily in mineral deposits such as uranium ores. It is a rare radioactive element and is typically extracted as a byproduct of uranium and thorium processing.

How do you get pure actinium?

From Wikipedia "Actinium is found in trace amounts in uranium ore, but more commonly is made in milligram amounts by the neutron irradiation of 226Ra in a nuclear reactor. Actinium metal has been prepared by the reduction of actinium fluoride with lithium vapor at about 1100 to 1300°C."

What charge does actinium have?

Actinium is a trivalent metal; only in the actinium hydride is divalent.