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Q: How was a spinning wheel made in ancient China?
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Who made wheel in Ancient China?

a guy called tofu

Why was spinning wheel important to Chinese?

Silk was first made by the Chinese about 4000 years ago from the cocoon of the silkworm moth. Silk spinners needed a method to deal with the tough, long silk threads. This is why the spinning wheel was so important in China.

What was the spinning jenny made out of?

it was made out of wood and the inventor got the idea from his daughter when she knocked over the wheel from there spinning wheel and the wheel kept on going so this lead to the spinning jenny its just like a spinning wheel it just dose more thread at once and its faster and it was a times saver back in the 1700s or 1800s

What is a spinning wheel?

A spinning wheel is a simple, circular machine developed by the Chinese in 1035

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What Made Wu Chao Unique In Ancient China Is That She Was That First Female Emperor Of China .

How did the spinning wheel assist the works?

It made making cloth much easier.

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The distaff made the spinning wheel serve its purpose.

Which nation invented the compass?

ANCIENT China are the ones who made the compass!i know because i learned about ancient china and i made a poster about ancient china in my school and my contribution was paper money!

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the wheel

What was ancient China government like?

Ancient China was ruled by many dynasties. Ancient China also had monarchy

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The horse collar was first made in ancient China and later introduced to Europe around the 9th or 10th century. It greatly improved the efficiency of horse-drawn vehicles by allowing the horse to pull heavier loads with less strain on its neck.

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