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Thomas Jefferson: ChildhoodThomas Jefferson was born on April 13, (April 2 Old Style), 1743, on the Shadwell Plantation, Goochland (now Albemarle) county, Virginia. His birthplace was destroyed by fire in 1770. Thomas Jefferon's earliest childhood recollection was when he was about the age of three while riding with a slave on horseback with a pillow beneath him to absorb the shocks of the 50-mile trip from Shadwell to Tuckahoe, where his father, Colonel Peter Jefferson (1708-1757) was taking the family in order to discharge his duties as executor of the will of his late friend William Randolph. Randolph had ordered that on his death, Peter Jefferson was to manage his Tuckahoe plantation and to raise his orphaned children. One of these children was that of Thomas Mann Randolph, two years older than Thomas Jefferson. The two, who no doubt played together, and became in-laws when Randolph's son married Jefferson's daughter. After about six years at Tuckahoe, the Jeffersons returned to Shadwell. Very little is known of Thomas Jefferson's early childhood there, except that he was very bookish. A young Thomas Jefferson was known to enjoy traming through the woods and observing nature, and prowled the eastern slopes of the Southwest Mountains in search of deer, turkey, and other wild game. (S,Menzel)
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He got land and slaves from his dad, he married and had 6 kids, 2 of which actually survived to see adulthood. He was very upset for the loss.

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