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it had perspective just like renaissance art.

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Q: How was Renaissance art similar to classical art?
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In what ways was renaissance art similar to classical art?

The Renaissance was very similar to Classical Art because they both had colour, and another aspect called perspective. Both of the art has motion that was believable and in motion.

Which art movement is the Renaissance most similar to?

The Classical movement is most similar.

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The Humanism used their renaissance art to influencing artists. This also had architects carring on classical traditions.

Was classical mythology used in Italian renaissance art?

yes it was

Are classical and Renaissance statues alike?

Classical and Renaissance statues are similar in that they often depict realistic and lifelike poses. The Renaissance spans from the 14th to the 17th century.

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Did Renaissance art reflect the works of classical times?

It sure did. Renaissance art had lots of nudity. I like nudity so i like classical movies. They are great. What also is better is modern times. We have smartphones and stuff.

What advances in art and science occurred during the Renaissance?

Humanism and its study of the classical writing of the past had an indirect impact on science and art during the Renaissance.